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"I don't wanna be alive, I don't wanna be alive. I juss wanna die today" -Logic✨.

||Los Angeles, California📍||

Mercedes layed in her bed half awake

Her body was cold and she looked pale. The dark bags under her eyes were swelled and her what used to be smooth skin was starting to get wrinkled and dry

Her husband Nip sat beside her bedside comforting her. He had a warm compress damping it across her face, How weak her body has gotten over the past few weeks concerned Nip because nobody knew the cause of her sudden sickness

But Mercedes knew exactly why. A few months ago going into the doctor complaining of Abdominal pain, No appetite, And nausea she walked out finding out a week later that she had pancreatic cancer. Mercedes didn't believe in taking treatment and medication for her condition. She believed that with prayer, Eating healthier, And natural at home remedies, this will heal her condition instead

She didn't tell any of her family because she knew they would force her to do radiation or chemotherapy, Especially her daughter Legend considering that Legend is a intern at a hospital now majoring for cardio instead of pediatric. With that being said Legend studies and knows all about the main organs of the body and she would have definitely forced her mother to get treated weather they were beefing or not, Legend still loves her mother to death

Nips head hung low looking at his sick wife, He knew it was time to start saying his final byes because Mercedes wasn't looking good at all. He feels like if he would've been home more instead of running the streets all day and night then he would've peeped the signs faster and Mercedes wouldn't be in this position. He blamed himself for it all. He felt like he didn't do enough

"I love you Mercedes" He bent over and kissed her cheek

Due to her body slowly shutting down she was barely able to speak but she tried her hardest to get her words out

"I love you too Nipsey . Tell all my babies... That. I love them so much"

He picked up his phone calling Malik and telling him to come over and that it was important. Immediately Malik got up putting on some clothes ignoring the sleepiness and the banging migraine he had from his long night before, By the tone of his fathers voice he knew he had to get there ASAP

He then dialed Legend's number calling her and didn't get a answer, He called two more times still not getting an answer. He figured his daughter was sleep and she will call back whenever she gets the chance, Hopefully soon he thought

"Be good Nipsey. Don't go out acting a fool" She managed to say and Nip chuckled a little bit

"No promises, I'll try baby"

"Tell Legend I love her so much. I really do and i'm sorry" She said as Nip wiped the tear falling down the side of her eyes

Jayda knocked on the door then walked in seeing her mom laying sick and her dad with a unreadable expression on his face. She just came from outside after putting her daughter in the car to go with her father for the weekend

"Is she okay?" She asked sitting beside her dad holding her mother's cold hand. She knew her mother was really sick but she didn't want to believe it, Nip shook his head no

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