chapter 4 ~ 'saved by the devil'

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"So Dumbledore let Draco off and he wouldn't even let me have a chance to explain what happened. Draco totally lied about it and then he got away with it but my punishment was to got to the Forbidden Forest and then-"

"Hold on a god damn minute. You went to the Forbidden Forest!?" Brianna shrieks.

"Yeah, just listen. So I had to go to the Forbidden Forest with Filch to get some herbs but he then left me in the middle of the trees for no reason. I waited there for a bit until I saw that black hoodie guy!"

Both Brianna and Enzo's eyes grow wide.

"What black hoodie guy?" Enzo asks, sounding kind of worried.

"Was it that guy we saw in the hallways!?" Brianna raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah. So then he approached me and he was kinda hot-"

Enzo snorts and I send him a confused look.

"Oh, it's nothing. Do carry on."

"We then hear a cackling lady like a few meters away from us so then the guy, his name is Mattheo by the way, grabs my hand and we rush out of the forest."

"THAT'S SO ROMANTIC!" Brianna exclaims excitedly.

Enzo just chokes out of no where, his eyes wide and shocked.

"A cackling lady?" He asks, sounding slightly panicked.

"Yeah, a lady that was like laughing, but it was more of a cackling sound, like one of them Disney villains. Anyways, then we made it out of the forest alive and then I come back to the castle to find Filch cleaning the hallways!"

"What the fuck!? Lmao he just ditched you dude." Brianna laughs.

Unexpectedly, Enzo shoots out of his seat and rushes out of the common room.

"We have to follow him." I send Brianna a concerned look.

"Come on, let's go." She says, holding my hand as we rapidly begin to follow him.

We watch and stalk him as he takes multiple different corridors and turns when suddenly, he stops.

We hear voices and peep behind the corner to see who he's talking to.

"It's Draco." I whisper to Brie.


I can't tell what they're saying to each other but it's definitely important and shocking news of some sort.

Enzo's telling him something and Draco is shocked and... scared? He's making the same sort of expression when I mentioned the cackling lady to Lorenzo.

Suddenly, Enzo walks back in our direction and me and Brianna sprint away, our hearts racing.

Luckily, we make it to our dorm and slam the door shut.

"He better not have seen us or we're dead." I pant, as we both flop on my bed.

"What we're they saying?" Brie asks.

"Enzo was telling Draco something and he just looked shocked and scared. God, I think we should confront Enzo." I suggest.

"No, let's wait a bit. We need more intel."

"Mhm, you and Enzo have been awfully close lately. Maybe you can get it out of him?" I laugh and raise my eyebrows at the girl.

"What? No. It's nothing like that... we're just friends!"

"Right." I roll my eyes.

Absolutely shattered from today's events, I pull the covers over me and fall straight asleep.

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