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(Y/n) sat there, a leg thrown over the other as he had them propped up on the table. Uninterested at the mock of 'Six' that sat right infront of him.

Harry Pandey, the newest 'Six' after he took over after Aurelia when she had passed the name down.

And currently, 'Six' was spewing more shit than necessary.

"Uh-huh. . . and why the fuck should I even meet thoose air heads?"

Harry stiffened in his seat, visibly nervous, Aurelia had warned him about (Y/n) and whatever he may have planned for the man. He should've thought this through some more, (Y/n) was overwhelming, how did she even get him to cooperate?

"To create a better team bond and-"

"Oh no, not the my little pony friendship is magic mantra" (Y/n) groaned, interrupting Harry as he threw his head back. Dropping his legs from the table to a more comfortable position, planting each foot on ths floor as he hung his arms on either side of him on the sofa's head rest.

Not another attempt was made from Harry, at least not right away, fidgeting with a few fiber bracelets on his wrists to try and come up with the next thing to say.

He can't keep acting so anxious, not infront of the intimidating man infront of him, not before the one that has had a leash on since the day he stepped foot here.

"You just want me to cooperate with the other operators for a stronger force, you're either worried about the increase of White Masks or are worried that I might rebel one day-" (Y/n) took a pause, having had come to his own few conclusions after the short discussion he just had.

"-. . . You expect that if I were to befriend the operators, I won't have a reason to betray Team fucking Rainbow, is that it?"


The brunette couldn't lift his gaze from the glass table when (Y/n) had stood up, hands stopping at his wrists as he kept his head down while he listened to how (Y/n) walked over, now looming over him by the overcasting shadow.

Frankly, Harry has never felt so defenseless in his entire life. Especially since he thought he could handle the threat that now looked down on him.

Without even needing to look up and meet the (e/c) eyes of the (h/c)-ette, he could already feel the absolute disgusted, repulsed and insulting gaze that drilled into the side of his head.

"You think you can tie me down with just some little friendships? Both you and I know that the only way you're gonna keep me from ever rebelling is a bullet through my head, and that's something you can't risk. It's only a matter of time Harry, you better start thinking with that brain of yours or else it'll be me left dead or this facility will become my own graveyard"

(Y/n) spoke, tone an octave lower as he scoffed.

"Don't burst a blood vessel Harry, you need to think after all, isn't that the only reason why Aurelia made you the next director to this piss potted organization?"

(Y/n) had taken a few steps closer, Harry hands had a shake to them as he clenched them, a cold sweat took over while he bit the inside of his cheek. Too annoyed to not let the comments get to him, but still too scared to speak up.

When (Y/n) reached a hand out, the door was suddenly slammed out as guns were pointed at (Y/n).

"STEP BACK FROM THE DIRECTOR" One of the guards yelled, finger hovering over the trigger as (Y/n) took a moment before raising his hands and placed them behind his neck in surrender. Keeping his eyes trained on Harry who released his tense shoulders at having the front guards walk in.

A quick head gesture from the same guard had another one unclasping the high security hand cuffs and moving to stand right behind (Y/n), man handling his hands quickly into the cuffs, worried of the operator suddenly upper handing him.

(Y/n) was quickly lead out of the room while a few of the guards stayed with Harry as defense while the rest helped lead the (h/c)-ette down the hall and back to the restricted section of the building.

Today, (Y/n) had been given for the first time authority to visit this side of the building to have his meeting with Harry. The only catch being that he had to be transported from one building to the other in maximum security, meaning that he had to be cuffed, walked with about 15 guards around him and with a taser pointed at his back the whole way to and from.

Obviously the meeting went terribly, and it only lasted 10 minutes so the guards were on high alert, a gun pointed at his back while the taser was kept at the back of his neck.

They knew that the (h/c)-ette was a hazard, to how Aurelia controlled and kept this man from making a mess was beyond them.

All their conversations were top secret, meaning that not a word got out of that room.

And Aurelia hadn't left any words or possible emergencies that may include (Y/n) for the future, not a single solution to keep him passive.

(Y/n) cannot simply be contained forever.

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