"its a gift"

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People in the group chat
Aang-bald boi
Zuko-sifu hotman
Bato- warrior
Ozai-go die in a hole
Pakku-sexist peice of shi-


🦶👄🦶 has joined

🦶👄🦶: hello people im sad to be friends with.

kat: toph, that isnt very nice

balds boi: yeah i agree with katara

🦶👄🦶:oh shut up you simp

Bald boi has changed toph to blind toddler

boomerang: HA! blind toddler

blind toddler has changed boomerang to MyG1rl7hem00n

MyG1rl7hem00n: than you for the nickname😒

blind toddler: no problemo snoozles!😛

kat: Now toph, do you really think thats appropriate? I can hear sokka crying from here.

blind toddler has changed kat to Ev3ry0n3sM0m

Ev3ry0n3sM0m: Not gonna lie this is true🤷‍♀️

Kyoshi: your nicknames have no right to be this accurate.....

blind toddler: "its a gift"

-Toph beig fong

blind toddler: now on to the others *rubs hands evilly*

blind toddler has changed ursa to traumatized mom

blind toddler has changed hakoda to OnlyNon-ShityDad

blind toddler has changes iroh to TeaIsLife

blind toddler has changed ozai to n0nb3nd3r

blind toddler has changed bato to Mr.Cheekbones

blind toddler: there, my work here is done.

Dead_wife: what about me?

sexist peic of shi- : and me?

Blind toddler: na, you and pakkus names pretty much fits ur vibes

Dead_wife: true true

Sorry for the short chapter I made this up as i went, it was intionally going to be around the scene in the comics when toph licks kataras hand to show what oogies are.

but then I was like eh screw it. so bing bam boom, toph inst just the worlds greatest earthbender, she is also the worlds greatest nicknamer.

enjoy😁 😁

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