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"So my family holds a fundraiser every year and I want you to come." Gojo blurts out one afternoon while you were sitting at your all's favorite cafe. "Ugh rich people... I don't know...." You mumble nervously and he takes your hand. You look up and his expression was serious. "I want you to meet my parents." He says studying your face. You smile at him, this was a huge step. "Ok." You say and his face lights up. You feel his foot graze your thigh and you glare at him. He grins like a fox. "Though you all ready know I have no idea what to wear. I have a feeling jeans and a t shirt are not the usual attire...." You say sighing. You didn't mind when he wanted to take you somewhere nice, getting used to what to wear was the biggest challenge. You never cared about fashion or make up. You grew up playing tackle football with the neighborhood boys. Your very first date in your youth you wanted to go to a car show.

He sees you frown and his foot travels higher up your leg, you grab it and push him away. "Gojo!" You shout and he winks at you. "You already should know then that I will handle it." He chastises you and you groan. "I know.... But you know!!!" You say laughing as he laughs, "I know." Your both stupidly grinning at each other. "Only thing I'm worried about is that mouth of yours." He says and you raise your eyebrows at him. "You fucking love my filthy mouth fucker." You say and he bites his lip. "I do!!! It just does something to me. Hearing that sentence come out of your pretty mouth... I want to ravish you on this table. But my parents are old school." He says and you tease him by scooting closer and grabbing his thigh. He groans and looks at you intensely. "Parents love me!" You shout and he grabs the back of your head kissing you roughly. You just give in growing used to his excessive need for pda. Your waiter clears their throat and you both pull a part in annoyance. "Refills?" They ask awkwardly and you both nod in unison. "Clear the whole day. I want to do something special ." He claps his hands together. "Ooo noo..." you say worried and he flicks your forehead. "For me!!!!" He pouts and you let a out a breath. "Fine..." you grumble crossing your arms.

Gojo's alarm goes off way to early. You growl for him to shut it off but instead he throws off the covers. "You damn monster!!! 5 more minutes! I took a day off and everything!" You shout kicking your feet. "Nope!!! Time to get up!!" He shouts back reaching over you to get out of bed. Your hands travel to his bare waist caressing his sides. You look up giving him your best seductive pout. "Gojo... stay in bed with me..." you moan and his body tensed. He pauses for 2 minutes and then violently shakes his head. "Nope!" He climbs over you and your in disbelief, this must be super important. You grumble one last time before following him out of the room.

You drag your feet to the kitchen and make a direct path to the coffee machine. You are stopped by arms grabbing your waist. "Get dressed. We will get coffee on the way." He whispers in your ear. "Your going to kill me!!!" You shout and he hugs you. "Never!!" He shouts back turning you to head back to the room. "Grumble!!" You say as he rolls his eyes. As you begin to make your way to get dressed he smacks your ass and you jump. "Hurry it up!!" He says and you notice he was already ready to go. "Your the worst!!" You say speeding up your pace.

"Here brat." Gojo mutters handing you a large coffee pulling out of the drive through of a chain coffee shop. You quickly take a sip and smile. "Flowers you complain about killing them but give you a cup of coffee and your all smiles. Your so fucking weird." He complains but you see he is grinning. "You love it. And flowers are such a waste of money." You say taking another sip and he glares at you. "Gojo... you better stop glaring or I will lecture you on the evils of capitalism." You threaten and he laughs. "I love your lectures but I must beg you to hold off until tomorrow. Since today we will be indulging in lots of consuming." He says and you sigh. He knows you hate when he spends money on you but have come to accept it was a part of his love language. He holds out his hand and you take it, he gives you a reassuring squeeze. You run your thumb across his palm as you all fall into a comfortable silence.

"Oooo Gojo.... What is this??" You say nervously as you park at a huge spa. "You take care of all your friends and me so today you WILL take care of yourself." He emphasized will and you knew their was no point in arguing. You walk in and cringe at the high end building. Another place I don't belong... You feel another reassuring squeeze to your hand and look up. "You trust me right?" He whispers and you nod. He smiles brightly dragging you to the front desk. The young girl greets you both and you notice her double take at the attractive man standing before her holding hands with you. A look you began to grow used to. You are lead back and told to change. Your nerves were high as you pulled on the complimentary robe.

"Hey! She is mine!" Gojo joked with the massage therapist as you slide off the chair, your body felt like jello. "You better learn how to massage me like that then or I am leaving!" You shout winking and he gasps. You both exit and he quickly steals a kiss as you are lead to a salon section. "See you soon!!" He shouts waving. You felt a bit uncomfortable without his presence but the women who greeted you were very sweet. They worked on your hair, praising you with complements. Something you weren't used to. After you were lead to a make up chair the same complements assaulted you. You smile but it doesn't really reach your eyes.

The women cooed over you once they were finished. "Ooo you look stunning!" One of them shouted as you got up. "He is going to be speechless just you wait!" Another says as you head to change back into your clothes. You are lead out and the women follow behind wanting to see his reaction. This only made you feel more embarrassed. You slowly make your way back to the main entrance. "Look at his face... so cute!" The woman beside you says, your eyes were on the floor. You slowly drag them up to meet his gaze. Your heart stopped, he was looking at you like your were a goddess. He would not be able to breath unless you were in his presence. You were overcome by the sense of panic. "Gojo... you good?" You ask which made him laugh. "I thought you were an angel until you opened your mouth." He says sarcastically and you punch his arm. "Fuck you!" You shout and the entire lobby goes quiet and gasps. "Sorry!!" You say looking to the ground again. He lifts your chin up and pulls you close. "You look beautiful." Is all he whispers in your ear and you feel a dumb grin on your face. "Shut up...." You whisper back which causes him to chuckle again as he grabs your hand. "Time for your favorite part! Clothes!" He says as you walk out and you groan. "Food first??" You pout giving your best puppy dog eyes. "Good idea I know this great restaurant nearby..." you stop him with a hug and look up, trying to look seductively through your eyes lashes. "No please greasy fast food..." you say low, your hands brushing along his waist. "Hmm.... You owe me. I would ask you for my end of the deal now but I don't want to mess up your pretty face." He says nonchalantly and your eyes widen. "What am I going to be doing to mess up my face?" You say a small tingle runs up your spine. He clicks his tongue at you as he opens the passenger door. "That is a part of the deal. I can't say. Sooo are we getting greasy fast food or not?" He asks raising an eyebrow. You weigh your risks but the idea of greasy food overcomes what he has planned for you. "Yup!! Deal!" You shout getting in and you see a sinister grin form. "Gojo..." you whisper and he closes the door shrugging.

After the busy day you both get ready, you sigh full of nerves. I'm meeting his parents... You stand in the mirror, the long dress fit you perfectly. You ran your hand down your waist where it curved in with your body. It clung to your hips and ass in a appealing but not overly sexy way. The neckline was low but left room for the imagination. You looked to your hair and make up and was impressed after a long day it still looked amazing. "I can do this!! Watch out elite assholes!" You shout to yourself not knowing Gojo was studying you in the doorway. You hear a small laugh and turn smiling. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him. He was wearing a designer suit, a Rolex watch shined on his wrist, and his usual fluffy white hair was neatly done. "Damn..."you hear yourself say as you looked him over. His eyes go low, he enjoyed your flustered expression. "Y/N... mouth..." he growls out and your heart leaps. You both stood like that for a while, trying to resist the urge to slowly undress each other. Neither one of you able to move. His phone going off saving you both. "We are running behind. But that's how I like it. Let's go." He says giving you one last up and down glance before reaching out his arm. You take it and the nerves hit you once again. "I will be with you the entire time. Honestly you should be more scared of what I am going to do to you afterward." He says into your ear and that tingle travels down your spine once again.

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