Our Railway to Hogwarts

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Edmund had booked a hotel within walking distance of King's Cross; thankfully, because the weather had picked up, they elected to walk in favor of a cab.  London was abuzz with activity, there were lights, cars, and noise.  The smell of rain and tea with a hint of motor oil scented the air.

    Elizabeth was glad to have Edmund with her, though he was very talkative on the walk.  Asking whether she had everything, if she was sure, if she wanted to go, if she needed anything, when was the train leaving, would she write, or text, and so forth.  It was quite endearing that the man was so invested in her well being, but she supposed it was his job.  She assured him each time that yes she had everything, yes she was sure, yes she wanted to go, no she didn't need anything, they had a half hour till the train left, and yes she would keep in touch.

    Entering the station they immediately saw that platform 9 ¾ did not in fact exist in the muggle world.  As they approached Platform 10 they noticed some other people with quite a bit of supplies, and a frazzled woman dressed in robes.  Elizabeth supposed they were wizards and stopped to watch. 

    The kids were older than she was, and about a foot taller.  Staring at the pillar between platforms they took a running start, and disappeared into the bricks. Although she had to persuade Edmund that he wasn't going to get stuck in the wall halfway because he was a muggle, the pair crossed over to Platform 9 ¾.

As she walked into the train, making sure that Novasol was comfortable, she realized that everyone already had someone to sit by. Elizabeth had never had time to make friends, her schedule filled with all sorts of errands that her mother had concocted. The one person that she actually favored in her whole household was the only one in the station bawling his eyes out.

    As soon as she was able to get a good glimpse of the interior of the Hogwarts Express, Elizabeth was surrounded by dozens of the other students scrambling to find a good spot to sit in. She was caught by surprise when another student pushed into her, making Novasol hiss as he was dropped onto the floor.

    "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you there." Elizabeth voiced, dusting herself off as she consoled a grumpy Novasol.

    "Xavier, please tell me why this low-life is talking to me." Elizabeth glanced up to see a skinny, curly haired girl standing next to a boy that would have been identical to her if it wasn't for his straight hair.

    "Zara, you promised that you would at least try to be civil this year." Xavier chided his sister. Zara smirked at Elizabeth, clearly ignoring her brother. 

"Yeah Zara, no need to act like Mum all the time." A voice from behind Xavier chimed in as Xavier's twin joined his siblings. 

"Oh Xavier, Teddy, you should know me by now." The girl put a hand on her hip and glared at Elizabeth. "Get away from me, b*tch. You need to stay away from your future ruler." Elizabeth, seeing where this was going, replied.

    "Really?! You're planning a permanent transfiguration into a measuring stick? Have fun with that. It'll definitely improve all of this...thing you've got going on." She gestured to Zara as a whole. The first year picked up- or rather guided her cat the opposite way as Zara stood there with her mouth wide open, obviously not used to other people having comebacks.


"Now let's see here.....where the fuck am I supposed to sit?" Tori muttered to herself. As soon as she spied an empty compartment, she slipped inside and set her owl's cage onto the cushioned seat. Tori loved it when she had these quiet moments to herself. She was always running from the law back when she had lived with her mother and rarely had peace.

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