Butterfly Kisses (Prologue to "There will always be Hope")

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NOTE: this is sort of the prologue to my longer fic There will always be Hope... this is from Killian's POV, whereas the rest will be dual POV between Hope and Rueben. Enjoy.

Part 1

There's two I know for sure

She was sent here from heaven

And she's daddy's girl

As I drop to my by her bed at night

She to Jesus, and I my eyes.

And I God for all of the joy in my life

Oh, but most of all, for


Killian Jones was a man who lived a few centuries more than most men, but the greatest change and joy in his life was now fixed to the tiny bundle laying nestled in his arms. Gazing at the golden tuft of hair peeking from under the baby cap Mary Margaret fashioned for her first granddaughter, he felt content and joyful beyond anything. Thinking of his wedding as the other biggest joy in his life he knew that even an old scruffy pirate like him would be able to find true love and happiness in life.

The infant, mere hours old, squirmed in her wrapped-up blanket and her father cooed and shushed, bending over her tiny head and placed a butterfly kiss on her golden hair. Their baby girl was a beautiful and perfect mix of his and Emma's features. Her mother's golden hair, mouth, nose, her daddy's blue eyes, and his pointy ears to his dismay. Emma did say she liked them and when she nearly choked to tears when she spotted those elven ears on their baby girl he grinned and accepted it as part of their baby.

"Hey girl, daddy's got you love. No need to fuss, you wore out your mama coming to this world." He whispered and looked behind him, through the glass doors leading back into their bedroom. Emma wanted to give birth at home, and it went smoothly yet a slightly long birth. The Blue Fairy was there and helped as a midwife. The rest of his extended family waited in the living room and after having said their congratulations to the new parents they all left, leaving the house quiet.

Killian placed another butterfly kiss on the baby's forehead, right over her tiny eyebrow. This made the infant wrinkle her nose and forehead in the most adorable way Killian had ever seen. Shaking his head, he marveled how an old rugged pirate would now find things like a baby's facial expressions adorable. He imagined it was one of those little things in life that changed when you found your true love.

Looking out on the garden below him, stretching down toward the waters further on, he watched the sun begin to set. A flutter of butterflies flew by him and circled a large butterfly bush Emma planted in a large pot on their balcony. Looking at the small creatures he marveled at their graceful movement. Such tiny things moving with such ease from one flower to the other. Looking at his daughter he felt his heart swell with love for the little girl. She too was so tiny and fragile right now, but knowing her parents' strength he knew she would become a fierce lass who would conquer any obstacle. "I will promise to give you any kiss or hug you ever need, any advice or teaching you might require, your heart's desire I will forever give to you, my love."

He gave her yet another butterfly kiss and knew in his heart that this little girl would forever change his life.

"Killian?" Emma's voice drifted out to him and he quickly pulled back the sliding doors and entered their bedroom. They got this house because of the view and the balcony connected to their master bedroom. They loved to sit out there and enjoy the sunset, and on occasion have a little nightcap by the small patio set Emma found in some quaint little store selling second-hand wares.

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