Chapter 2🖤

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Kara interrupts my train of thought as she lowers the volume on the radio and then rotates herself in the seat so that she can look at me while Courtney drives down the lengthy highway.

"You would have had more fun if you would have come out to party with us," she says with a roll of her eyes, probably thinking about how dull I am as she said it. "It was supposed to be a fun trip but you spent the majority of it inside the hotel."

"Yes, but in order for her to have been able to come with us, we would have had to dress her in our own clothes; the things she brought were definitely not nice enough. That would have been a humiliating situation "Courtney added.

I roll my eyes and look out the window as I say to myself, See what I mean about the comments? They never stop talking, and the things that they have to say are never anything positive.

I am responsible for them both graduating from high school.

They freaking partied way too much and would never do their homework, which caused me to either have to do it for them or watch them fail, and I was too nice of a person to let that happen to my friends. I had to force myself to do their homework for them.

Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have just let them start failing classes right away; then, perhaps, they would have stopped partying so much and found time to study. Honestly I don't know what they'll do when they get to college.

They will a certain extent be partying more than they do at the moment, and they both want to pledge for this house in the same college they both got into.  I honestly do not know how they plan to balance the amount of time they spend studying with the amount of time they spend partying.

You got that right. The following year, I will be without any friends at all. They will leave our rural community, and I will be left without any relatives or even acquaintances to call my own. I'll be alone. I am aware that they are not the best of friends to me, but throughout my entire life, they are the only friends I have ever had.

The other children would pick on me and say mean things about my inexpensive clothing, which could sometimes be too constricting or too loose.

Even though they sometimes say hurtful things and leave me out, I was happy to at least have some friends in my life, you know.

The school would have been an absolute hell without these two, and despite the fact that they sometimes leave me out and say hurtful things, I was happy to have at least some friends in my life.

"ELIZABETH," Snaps Kara once more yelled, ripping me out of my train of thought.

"Huh what?" I asked her.

"Did you hear what I said?" With a frown on her face, she asked.

I apologize to her and say, "Sorry, I was just looking out the window."

"I wanted to know what your opinion was of those men that we ran into," She gives me the eye roll gesture.

I tell her, with a shrug of my shoulders, that they were just "not my type."

And the truth is that they weren't at all. They were only interested in one thing from Kara and Courtney, and that was a fun time filled with good sex with attractive women. I've only ever had one sexual experience.

I don't plan on having any more until I find someone who gets me and loves me.

"Izzy, how could they not be your type? They were smoking hot like fuck "she says while gently slaps the air infront of  her face with her hand.

"RIGHT," Courtney chimes in while maintaining a smug expression on her face.

Kara chortles as she raises her eyebrows and gestures in the direction of Courtney and says, "That boy with the black hair sure knew how to work that tongue is, all ima say."

Courtney laughs hysterically at what she says, then turns around in her seat and begins a conversation about the college they will be attending and all the handsome boys they will meet there.

And just like that, I'm out of the conversation yet again, so I reach into my bag, take out my book, and begin reading chapter 22 right where I left off the night before in the hotel room.

If only I had been around during the time of the highlanders, I would have cherished the opportunity to have been swept away by a dashing laird and hidden away in the protection of his strong arms.

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