Aishiteruze Baby

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Alt. Title: I Love You, Baby

Year: 2004


Episodes: 26

Cat.:  Shoujo, Romance, Drama


Whenever Kippei is at school, he has one thing on his mind: girls. From skipping class to cheesy lines, he'll do anything it takes to reel the ladies in, though he never seems to find the right person. But the bachelor lifestyle is soon to change when young Yuzuyu enters the picture. This five-year-old cutie has been abandoned by her mother, and is to be taken care of by none other than Kippei! Unfortunately for the both of them, Kippei has no experience raising a child, so the learning curve will be quite steep...


The story of Aishiteruze Baby isn't bad. But it isn't good either. I find the fact that the aunt, Kippei's mother, decides that taking care of her niece isn't her job, but her son's job. I didn't like that. Mainly because Kippei is still in high school (he was like 17. But then again you got Ichigo from Bleach who was 15-17 was kickin' ass and saving people. But  I'd say that's easier than being the sole caregiver for a 5 year old.). Instead of raising a five-year-old, he should be focusing on his studies. But none-the-less, this is anime, so they make the situation improve Kippei rather than drag him down.

Anyways, story wise, Aishiteruze Baby is a hodge-podge of stories. You get the swimming episode, a sports festival episode, and many more. All revolve around Yuzuyu and her perception of it all. It's rather charming. And then they sometimes get into darker subjects, such as child abuse (a certain episode during this made me stick it out) and even suicide. But the show keeps to a light-hearted nature, despite the dark issues brought up.

But I  didn't like how it was drawn.

This is an anime that most likely never be dubbed, unless fandubbed.

I give it a 1.5 out of 5.

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