Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Remember the plan," said Sherlock as Mark and him stood at the door of the engine room.

"Are you quite sure that this plan will work, Sherlock?" asked Mark, turning to look at him.

"What makes you think it won't work?" asked Sherlock.

"Well, for starters, Mycroft didn't board the train with you. Won't it be suspicious if he suddenly appears?" asked Mark.

"No, it won't be suspicious because they have no knowledge that Mycroft wasn't on the train to begin with."

"How is that so? Don't they need to keep track of the passengers?"

"Mark, this is a commuter train, not a private one. They carry so many people throughout the course of the day, I can only rightly assume that they remember only about a third of the passengers on board, and out of the people they remember, they'll only barely be able to recognize them facially."

"Oh," Mark cleared his throat, getting a bit nervous now. "Do you think I'll do alright?"

Sherlock straightened his back, fixating his eyes on the door in front of them.

"I feel as if you are quite capable. It's your job not to prove otherwise."

Mark nodded, taking a deep breath and straightening his posture like Sherlock. He closed his hand into a fist and rapped on the door in front of them. Slowly, but surely, it swung open.

The conductor stood there. His shirt was wrinkled, untucked slightly from the overalls that he had on. His work boots were ratty looking, stained brown as if they had recently trekked through mud.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes," said Mark, butting in before Sherlock could say anything. "I'm here to request that you put the train back into motion."

"Oh really now?" said the conductor, an amused smile spreading across his face. "Why is that?"

"Surely you know who I am," said Mark, adjusting his suit jacket slightly, "And would therefore be able to gather that I have a reason for such a request."

The conductor studied both of them for a moment.

"Look, it doesn't matter who you are, this train is not moving anywhere. There is a panic on board, and this train isn't moving anywhere until the Yard gets here."

"You look here. My name is Mycroft Holmes, and if you do not set this train back into motion this very instant, I will call the Yard myself and tell them how you failed to cooperate with a government official."

Sherlock looked over at him, shock slowly starting to become apparent on his face. The conductor in front of them started to mutter under his breath slightly, rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to need some form of confirmation that you are who you say you are," said the conductor after a long pause.

This time Sherlock moved to speak first before Mark could.

"Easily done," said Sherlock as he slipped a hand into his overcoat and fished out what appeared to be a form of ID. "Compare him to it if you must."

The conductor took the ID that Sherlock had produced and held it up. He flicked his eyes from the picture to Mark, and then back again. With a thoughtful hum, he finally handed the ID back to Sherlock.

"Fine, I'll set the train back in motion. However, I'll have to contact the Yard first and let them know..."

"I'll do that," spoke up Mark in an authoritative tone of voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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