Chapter 1: "Journey to Starfall"

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She grieved for Gendry the stubborn smith who'd she loved since she was a little girl on the Kings road pretending to be a boy although she had been too stubborn and half a child to recognise it

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She grieved for Gendry the stubborn smith who'd she loved since she was a little girl on the Kings road pretending to be a boy although she had been too stubborn and half a child to recognise it. Arya had nearly gone to beg her little brother to legitimise him so they could marry before the battle but she had scolded herself and told herself that their were more pressing matters. She'd given her maidenhead to Gendry that night after sneaking into the smith for a stolen couple hours away from the preparations. He'd died the next day in her arms, she had scolded him "don't bloody die on me!" threw her tears. Her threats did nothing to stop his death and he didn't get a proper funeral with the rest weeks later.

Her brother gave her three moons to grieve the dead before he brought up the marriage proposal to Edric and she had told him no but she eventually gave in a month or so after with the reassurance the wedding would not be straight away. She stood at the railing of a ship that had set off from White Harbor her direwolf by her side as well as her shadows who stand not meters away. Harwin and Ser Brienne didn't bother her after the first night they'd heard her crying in her cabin.

Some nights she found herself bitterly hating Bran for promising her to the Dayne boy even though she knew he had the best of intentions by marrying her to the kind gently boy she had described from her time in the Riverlands. It was a good match for a Princess and a comforting one for brothers who want to protect their sister despite knowing what she was capable of.Outside of her little cabin her face was a mask, not wanting to show her grief to the crew and besides she was supposed to be playing that of a happy girl who wanted to marry the Sword of the Morning and that she would, at least while people are around.

Her fingers curl around the hilt of needle it made her feel brave and strong as it always had. She glances over at Nymeria who was restless and had almost bitten one of the crew members or maybe two. Arya looked back out to sea and wondered what kind of man her husband to be and turned out to be, she wondered if he was still shy and courteous. She had heard from whispers that he was grown quite handsome and was a good lord and knight. I can grow to love him like my mother grew to love my father but thinking that felt wrong and hollow to her.

During the coming days she busied herself helping the crew and making jests with them. She trained with Ser Brienne most days, she rarely won them since she'd been trained as a silent killer not a knight. She'd been trained in a thousand ways to kill a man without leaving a trace. Arya was quick but Brienne was taller, stronger and had more skill with a sword. Arya climbed up to the crows nest when she needed to just breath when things got too much. She should be better at hiding my true emotions but when she let her heart be Arya once more, it was near impossible to be no one.

In the evenings she liked to help the cook prepare the food, she enjoyed the repetitive task that gave her restless hands something to do. She did not eat much of what she had helped to make, food had lost its taste to her since Gendry had given his last breath in her skinny arms. It worried Brienne but she reassured the kind hearted knight that she was alright.

It took near on two moons to reach Starfall and in that time she fell into having the same routine every day to the point that the days mushed together and she was not sure if it was truly her doing it all. It wasn't the same as when she had been with the faceless men was different.

She walked down from the ship followed by her two shadows. Arya dressed in the dornish fashion that reminded her of Essos and she'd brushed out her hair the tied it back into a braid but needle still hung from her hip and a dagger is strapped to her thigh hidden by silk.  She spots a boy dressed in the house colours of house Dayne, who could be no older than three and ten holding the reigns of unhappy sand steeds. Arya walks over to him and puts on a soft smile since he did not seem to be having a good time waiting while trying to control those horses.

"Oh my lady, Lord Dayne sent me to see you safe to Starfall where he waits for you"the poor boys voice cracked with every second word. Arya nods "And what is your name?"she asks and he looks a bit flustered. " name is  Doran Sand, I'm squire to my Lord Dayne"he says with a sheepish smile. "It is good to meet you, Doran" she says politely and takes a horse from him as do her shadows. Then they are off riding for Starfall their things would be taken to the castle after them. As they rode Arya kept a keep eye out and did not miss a thing. It was a bit warmer in Dorne then in Bravos but she did not mind so much as Harwin did. She spotted the remains of the tower her aunt had been held by Jons father in before she died in her fathers arms, it made her sad to think of but she didn't show it.

It was night fall before they reached Starfall. Arya was tired her clothes dusted with sand as she slips down from her horse not expecting Edric to still be waiting to greet them. All the same when she turned her gaze to the entrance he was standing there in the moon light but it took her a moment to recognise him.

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