Chapter 8

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Natalia and Aleksander were out waiting for Alina. They were going to ride horses. 

Natalia and Aleksander each had their own black horse, while for Alina they had chosen a beautiful white mare. 

Alina arrived and Natalia let Alina and Aleksander talk. Alina had to trust him. Or else the plan wouldn't work.

Trust was key.

They rode around and then they came across a little clearing.

"RACE YOU!" She called and kicked her heels into the side of her horse. Aleksander and Alina easily caught up with her and she and Alina were laughing and Aleksander had a smile on his face.

"Come on Alina, we're leaving this slowpoke!" 


"No one ever heard from you after you left Keramzin"

Alina told Natalia.

"I know. It wasn't because of anything you guys did, but here in the Little Palace I had a new life. One where I am important and needed. And now you do to. The Little Palace is a chance for you to start fresh, like I did."

"I can't just forget my old life Natalia, I can't just forget Mal."

"You love him don't you?" Alina stayed silent.

Natalia sighed.

"Alina, Grisha live very long lives, and they age much slower than regular people. I came her when I was 16 and now, I am nearly 23, but I have not aged in at least 2 years. Alina you could stay with Mal, have a life with him, but he will grow old and die, and there will be nothing you can do. " 

Alina looked thoughtful. 

"I didn't know that."

"You have a lot to learn."

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