Dying in their arms pt.1

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Yuji Itadori

"Come on just hang in there for me okay!?"

He held onto your abdomen trying to stop the bleeding, but everything wasn't going smoothly as the both of you planned in the begging.

"Why won't it stop!? Please Y/n stay for a little longer okay!?"

The both of you got in contact with Mahito and things went downhill fast. He carried your body away from the scene and laid you down gently on the floor. "Nanami is coming okay he'll be here soon o-okay?" He stared to stutter badly due to him being affraid of losing you.

He still had his hand placed on your wound, seeing you in pain broke his heart. He didn't think anything like this would happen."

Yuji.." You said

His attention went towards you imidetly and looked in your eyes with a sad expression on his face."

Y/n... Are you going to die?.." He said as his voice started to shake.
You gave him a weak smile and tried your best to speak to him. You reached your hand out to stroke his hair even though you had no energy left.

"Nanamis not gonna be here in time... Stop please it's not going to work-"

Stop saying things like that! You ARE going to live! Stop it!"

Tears started to stream down his face, he knew it was the end for you and he couldn't do anything to stop it."

t's going to be okay.. Just smile and make others happy.."

He removed his hands from your abdomen and looked at them stained with your blood. Then slumpped over next to a wall while he was still holding you in his arms. He held you close to him while he stroked your hair and tried his best to comfort you durring your final moments.

"Y-you'll watch over me when you're up there right Y/n?.."



As soon as he looked into your eyes he knew that they where lifeless. He pressed his forehead against yours and used one of his hands to cup your cheek.


couldn't help but cry his eyes out until Nanami arrived.

-Aftermath of your death-

He wasn't the same happy go lucky person after that, he broke seeing that the person so important to him die in his arms. Everyone gave him his space for as long as he needed. Gojo tried talking to him but Yuji would isolate himself in his room. Everything reminded him of you, when the others where unpacking your dorm he couldn't help but keep most of your things. He promised himself that he would never find anyone else. Every time he visits your grave he always makes sure its clean, always replaces your flowers, and brings extra of what he eats. (For example instead of 1 bag of cookies he brings two for you to eat and for him)

Thank you for reading! This was a request from a long time ago, i dont know who requested it but here it is! Sorry it took so long ;_; but i plan to write the other characters sooner or later. Also sorry theres no photo my storage is dying and the image wont load because of it (,:

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