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Hey guys! My name is Addie and I hope everyone enjoys my story (:

Callie's POV:

I rolled over in bed as my phone vibrated. It was my friend Jessie.

Jessie: Hey! Wanna meet me and the boys at the park? We wanna see you!

I crawled out of bed and put on some jeans, a shirt, and a hoodie.

Me: I'll be on my way.

I reply as I walk down stairs.

"Hey, what have you been doing? It's almost dinner time and you've been in your room all day." I turned to see my mom.

I grabbed a granola bar and the keys off the counter. Just watching Netflix and working on school work." I replied.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm gonna meet Jessie, Nate, & Justin at the park. I won't be long too long."

"Be careful... please. And keep your phone on you."

"I will. Love you" I walked out of the house and got in my car. I started driving to the park. Its about ten minutes away from my house. When I get there, I get out and Jessie runs up to me.

"Hey, How have you been?" I ask.

"I've been good! what about you?" Jessie says.

"I'm fine." I say and look over to Nate and Justin.

"Hey Cal." Nate walks up to me and try's kissing me but I turn and pull away. "What's the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing.. can we just talk?" I sat down. He followed, putting his hand on my leg.

"About what?" He asks and I move his hand off my leg.

"Us." I say as we sit down.

"Listen Callie, I know you want to take this slow, but we have been dating for a month. I think we can take this to the next level. You won't even let me.. we never even kissed. We don't hold hands. It's like we aren't even a couple."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you. We have been dating for a month.. and I thought over time things would get better but they haven't. It's.. it's been weird. I just don't see us going anywhere. I want my first kiss to be special.. with someone I love. I just don't think we can work out together. I'm sorry."

"What? No! I love you!" He shouts and stands up. Jessie and Justin look over at us as I get him to sit back down.

"Nate, calm down. It's just not going to work out between us. I don't have those feelings for you and I'm sorry, I just can't do it anymore."

Nate looks at me. "Why did you agree to be my girlfriend then? To lead me on? To make a joke out of me?" He looks away. You're like the hottest girl in school, why did I ever think you'd be into someone like me anyways?"

"Of course not, Nate." I sigh. "You were so sweet to me and I wanted to give you a chance. Like I said before, I thought maybe something could develop between us and we could be happy together, but it's just not working for me. I wish there were something between us, there just isn't and truly, I am sorry." I give him a crooked smile. "Come on, lets go talk to Jessie and Justin."

We got up and walked over to them. They were on the swings kissing.

"Hey you guys! Let's play truth or dare. That'll be fun! We can all do stupid shit!" Justin says. Justin and Jessie are both very similar. They are really out there. Loud and energetic. They are a lot to be around sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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