always .24

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nini exhaled a breath and looked at zack with disappointment. zack shook his head, "nini, it's not that big of a deal. i'm glad ricky called me! we never would've had all your accomplishments or even be here if he didn't, what's the big deal?"

"i told ricky i didn't want him interfering with my career—

"all he did was give me a call, neens," zack calmly said, "i never promised him i was gonna sign you. that's why i went to go see you sing at beachwood. i signed you because of your talent, nini. not ricky."

"hey roy, you know when the fireworks are supposed to start?" dan interrupted, sipping on his martini. nini and zack let out an awkward chuckle. zack checked his watch.

"supposedly in five minutes," zack simply answered. dan nodded his head, thanking zack before walking off.  zack and nini stood in an awkward silence, thinking about what to say. nini looked around the room for a sign of ricky before she remembered his text message.

ricky stated that if she wanted to talk, they could talk during the fireworks. the girl had no idea where ricky was but figured it couldn't be that hard to find him because it was just a penthouse. nini cleared her throat and eyed zack, "i'm gonna find ricky to talk to him."

zack nodded his head but pulled nini back to say one last thing, "he just wanted the best for you."

zack's words lingered in her mind as she walked around the house, looking for ricky. the more nini walked around the house, the emptier it started to get. everyone was making their way down to the terrace, excited to see the fireworks. 

nini aimlessly walked around the hallway, opening and closing the doors for a sign of ricky. finally, the girl ended up at the very last door of the hallway.  nini took in a deep breath before opening the door.

right away, she was locked in a trance with those familiar brown eyes. the boy was standing in front of the balcony doors, looking over the city. he felt his heart stop when nini walked inside the room. the girl closed the door behind her and awkwardly locked it. ricky dug his hands in pockets while nini walked up to him.

"hey...i didn't think you were gonna come," ricky softly said with a smile. nini let out a sigh and once ricky saw how cold nini was being, his body stiffened.

"you lied to me again," nini finally said. ricky cocked an eyebrow up so she continued, "you called zack. you've known each other this whole time."

ricky's face fell but the boy didn't face the ground this time, "i did and i know you're upset with me but i don't regret it all." 

nini stayed silent. they could hear everybody running downstairs. all the laughter, chatter, and footsteps was the only thing filling in the silence. ricky opened up the balcony door and stepped outside. nini silently followed him outside and they boy leaned against the railings as they spoke.

"listen nini, i could go on and on about how sorry i am about the past but you're probably sick of hearing the same speech over and over again. i regret the way i treated you, you know that. but i can't change the past, i really wish i could but it's just never gonna happen. the only thing i could do is learn ... and grow from it," ricky simply said as he looked out in tho the distance, "i've been trying really hard to show you much i've changed. i've been trying to make things right between us and even though i feel like i've been miserably failing... i'm kinda okay with it because i know that at least i tried... stitching up all these wounds between us hasn't been easy. i know they're my fault and it's all on me but i just ... at this point i don't really know how else to show you that i still love and care about you."

ricky looked at nini for an answer, but this time — nini was the silent one. the girl didn't know what to say. they looked at each other in silence, trying to read each other's thoughts. 

"nini, you're really special. not just to me but to everyone else too. there's gotta be a time where you start seeing that yourself and not through me," ricky advised the girl, "i know you told me not to interfere with you career but back then you weren't gonna have one. you were set on quitting music and i couldn't let you do that. call me selfish or invasive but i don't care. i wasn't gonna let you quit music because you hated me. you've helped so many people with your music,  especially me. you did all that yourself. all you records, nominations, and fans are from your talent. , not me.  and i just couldn't let you quit. i'm not sorry nini... i just had to be honest." 

before nini could say anything, a firework flew threw the air. ricky and nini quickly turned their heads to watch the bright colors fill the dark sky. a small smile escaped from both of their lips as the fireworks reflected in their sad dark eyes.

"nini ... i know i said this last time but i promise you i'll keep my word this time," ricky started to say, "if you want me out of your life for good, i'll leave. forever."

nini could see the tears start to fill up in ricky's eyes as he desperately waited for nini's answer. the boy wanted nini to shake her head and ask him to stay. he wanted to hold the girl in his arms and keep her safe. he wanted to give her the world like she deserved. 

nini glanced down at her wrist and took off her charm bracelet. she grabbed ricky's hand and placed it in his palm. she gently closed his hand with her small fingers and gave ricky a soft smile, "goodbye ricky." 

as ricky turned around to watch nini leave, the last firework illuminated the sky before darkness fell over him again. ricky felt tears fall down from his face and he looked down at the charm bracelet with agony.

once nini closed the door, she felt her chest tighten up. her eyes started to water up and soon enough the tears were running down her face. the girl didn't want him to go but she thought he was better off without her. 

— always 

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 [ 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐮 ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora