The Niqab Ban

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sometimes i wish
you'd see beyond
the color of my eyes
and the cloth wrapped around my head

Who could have thought that such an attack,
With no reason or cause to track.
The society's logic defective and they use their authority,
To bully and intimidate a religious minority.

The media claims mixed with intolerant brains,
The masses, led to believe that lack of action would result in grief.
Without asking the wearers how they felt,
You chose to label them as 'oppressed' .
All this fuss because you felt that it wasn’t in line with the women of the West.

If you really take a minute to think,
Its not us who are oppressed  I can tell you in ink.
It is the women of the west,
Who are oppressed..
They dress so they can impress,
And in the bargain wear less..
They wear short skirts and tank tops,
And maybe sunglasses and flip flops..
They wear it to boost their confidence,
But do not think of the consequence.
Anywhere you go you will always find a man who likes to stare,
I’m not saying that it’s right, but just be aware of his glare.

Now take another moment to think about this;
This piece of flesh with which the man is obsessed could be someone’s mother,
Or perhaps somebody’s aunt, daughter, niece or sister.
Fuelled by the Devils whisper the man’s desires begin to grow,
What started as a glance transforms to an urge which starts to glow.
It started at the heart, and now it follows him,
To within each and every vein that his blood flows.
Unintentional thoughts in his mind suddenly begin to register.
Suddenly now, it begins to sound quite sinister.
I’m sure you get the picture,
What started out as just wearing a little less,
Could one day leave a vulnerable young lady,
In a whole lot of unexpected mess.

In truth, it’s the Muslim women, who are the liberated ones.
They’re free to go out, enjoy themselves and have some fun,
They’re not slaves of fashion, nor slaves of materialism,
And neither do they give in, to the evil desires of men.
They stand strong, covered from head-to-toe,
Protecting themselves from societies evil, prying eyes which glow.
And revealing the beauty that lies behind the veil,
Only to those, whom God has allowed in this tale.

Now just think about it for the very last time;
Surely if all women began to dress like this,
It’d put an end, to any lack of their confidence.
Because their bodies would be covered by the Jilbab-
Which is a spiritual form of defence.
No woman could claim to be any better,
Because looks simply would not matter.

These three simple pieces of cloth,
Can almost definitely put a stop,
To the social ills that we face,
Which include unwanted pregnancies,
Adultery and not to mention rape.
By not showing what you have to offer,
Hopefully it will one day save you,
From maybe having to suffer.

Such a perfect plan,
Which is so simple to understand,
Can never be devised by any man.
It is a faultless perfect law,
That cannot be created by none other,
Than the One True Eternal Lord.

i've got a world inside of me
take a look, see
before you choose to pass judgment on me.

Authors note:
I wrote this a while back when the Niqab Ban was announced. Never got down to actually putting it up here

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