Chapter 6: Meeting The Godfathers

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Apparently, you could faint from too much excitement.

He woke up a couple of hours later - he thanked Merlin that Potions had been his last class that day! - and found himself lying in the weirdly comfortable, crispy sheets of the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey stayed around long enough to inform him that she was keeping him in the wing overnight before she gave him some dinner and disappeared back into her office.

Having nothing better to do, he tried to focus on his homework since he would be away for a big part of Saturday, and who knew what was going to happen?

But every time he tried to read something or work on an essay, the buzzing in his head made it nearly impossible, turning his train of thought back to the ‘I’m meeting my godfather tomorrow!’ station.

Sirius Black. His godfather.

A person who could’ve been raising him instead of Aunt Petunia.

Could have been, had it not been for - if Harry understood what little information he’d put together from the professors’ talks - the rat, what was his name, Peter Pedigree?

Suddenly Harry felt less guilty about stepping on Scabbers’s tail on one of the first days.

How would it go? Would the man be disappointed in Harry for not knowing anything about his parents? For never even thinking about doing any pranks, like his father did? For not being as good of a student as his mother was?

What sort of person would he be after having spent the past ten years in a prison that everyone seemed terrified of?

Only time will tell, he decided, giving up on his homework.

But sadly for Harry, sleep had given up on him, too.


“I should’ve given you a sleeping draught,” was the first thing that Madam Pomfrey said to him when she saw him the next morning.

Harry looked up from his Charms homework, which he had been doing since three o’clock that morning with relative success.

“I’m not sure it would’ve helped much,” he offered, writing down the last line of his essay and rolling the parchment up. “Besides, I’m used to getting little to no sleep.”

For some reason Madam Pomfrey looked like she was going to cry.

Visibly gathering herself together, she set a hovering tray filled with Harry’s favourite breakfast food over his knees. How did she know what to get?

“Make sure to finish it,” she said, waving her wand in a motion that Harry already knew meant she was using a diagnostic charm. “Severus told me that he's taking you to see someone first thing this morning, so you’ll need lots of energy!”

Harry nodded eagerly, digging into the waffles and bacon. Having delicious food that he could actually eat and wasn’t expected to cook himself gave him an incredible feeling that he couldn’t quite identify.

Professor Snape entered the Hospital Wing with a billow of his robes just as Harry was finishing his glass of milk.

“Have you slept at all?” he said, his eyebrows rising high enough to disappear almost completely. “You look terrible.”

“Thank you, sir, good morning to you too,” Harry replied, instantly horrified.

He’d completely forgotten that getting no sleep loosened up his tongue quite a bit! Oh, he was going to be in so much trouble…

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