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I cannot stand pictures. I'm not, in any way, photogenic. All the pictures I take make me look like a walrus who's face was set on fire and stabbed with a fork. Multiple times. If I stand at a certain angle, my eyes look pushed together. If I stand at another angle, one eye looks bigger than the other. Like, what the actual fuck? Why can't I just take a decent picture just ONCE? Because lenses all over the world have it out for me and want me to look so utterally disgusting so I won't ever get a boyfriend. If I don't get a boyfriend, I'm never going to get married. Then I won't have kids and I'll spend the rest of my life alone! And I'll be so depressed and end up smacking myself with a FISH everyday because I would have become INSANE because I wasn't able to have a husband there to calm me down and no grandchildren to complain about me never getting to see them! Who wants that? Not me! So I don't like pictures. Not one bit.


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