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Aymaan's POV

Amaani has been hard on me for the past weeks and yet I'm still not despondent-I don't mind how she talks to me or treat me Cx in every way I still love her just like she is,Some might call it hell but to me I want to build it with her,I love her to the extent I can't see anything but her-perhaps maybe I'm blind folded in love just like fadil said-Fadil is fair,with large grey eyes framed by dark lashes that fluttered anytime he laughed and also a few scraggly hairs growing above his light pink upper lips-he's my best friend right from day one and he's always been there for me +he knows every single thing about me and he's dying to meet Amaani for real-the girl I'm head over hills for as fadil says-no one ever thought I did love someone truly and this fast always been the bad boy and a player,I'm never too serious about the whole love thingy and it makes me all awe when I see others do,but with just a look I fell head over hills for someone-weird,thought it was infatuation at first but I just can't help it-well falling in love is indeed a beautifully uplifting and cherished per-se regardless of what might come later and certainly I do not believe in the negative discouraging messages of some pessimistic unhappy soul who would say or even sing like he/she has done the words,"I'll never fall in love again"-nonsense,if only I knew how it feels to fall in love then I'd stop playing does bitches heart like toys-but who on earth is not having a crush on the SHEIKH's-particularly AYMAAN SHEIHK-I know I'm being gasconading but that's true and I don't know why Amaani doesn't even look at me,I only see range of fire and hatred in her eyes but there's always something I don't understand with her eyes-there's this secret behind those glitters I always see in those beautifully brown eyes of hers ,but I just don't seem to get it at all and my heart cries for that,she doesn't even pick my calls nor reply my text messages but I never fail to send them thou it still hurts,I just want her to be unencumbered with me and then I excogitate my plan-but she surprised me yesterday just by replying my text with "good night Aymaan" i felt something for her which I've never felt and it's so beautiful to feel that  way-this piece of me was so happy that I was dancing like a mad man and even cried at the same time,tears of joy,I felt complete but those this means she's giving me a chance already?does she feels the same way about me?after all the hell I've been through for the past week-is she for real?i really want to have all the answers to my questions but I just don't get it,anyways what ever  it is  I still loved the idea of her replying my message I feel splendiferous right now even thou everything right now is stack against me like my expression is anomalist-The first time I called her was on a Sunday and I suggest if maybe she could go out with me-and she respond with a yes-I didn't see that coming thou because her answer was too hastily which I thought was all anachronistic for a minute but then I was so happy-but the saddest part was she didn't show up as she said she would earlier ,I called her for the umpteenth time and luckily she picked and was acting like nothing ever happened and it broke me down,I had to go back home and cry my heart out and I did exactly snapped at all those bitches who called me with so much excitement in their voice-who the fuck gave them the right to sound so excited while I'm In so much pain right now-I knew I sound sycophant and supercilious at that moment which made them scared and let me be for the time  but who cares I only wanted a dalliance dinner with her but she turned me down saying she totally forgot which was scintillating clear from her voice which was perfunctory that she didn't-it went on like that for about 3times and on the forth time I asked her to go out with me she agreed willingly but with a good plan to disgrace me-which she practiced very well and indeed the people there enjoyed it -we went to BluCabana Restaurant and cafe and she was behaving all kinda weird conviviality and was like you Aymaan for real?she looked at me from  my head and down  to my sneakers and then laughed and said she can't have a dinner with me because I was too ugly and not even close to her class for a matter of fact and she did offer me charity if I want-I froze starring at her with my eyes big as saucers,I would never believed she could hurt an ant than  to think of her talking to a person like that but I nearly cried at that moment I felt like the ground should open and swallow me right at that moment the embarrassment was too much-she added with a I'm off don't waste my precious time and walked out right in Front of me without glancing at me but not after throwing me two bundles of 1000 Naira new notes -but at times it feels like I'm comeuppance like she knows what I'd to those bitches who are all thrifty and now it doesn't feels so good-I'm paying for my mistakes,but just that one messages made me the happiest Sheikh on earth-I'm surely gonna have a good day tomorrow.

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