Passing the time 🕰

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(okay hear me out, I don't Flippin' know why  the 'a' in the cover of the book 'Take a Seat' isn't there but it makes it more funnier)

(lmao it's just 'Take SEAT' 😭)


Mr Basioli P.O.V

I parked my car in the teacher's parking and quickly shut the door as I was late for my first class. I hurried out of the parking lot and rushed towards my Classroom. The students were just starting to walk to their classes so I took a shortcut and made it there first. The lights were turned off so I turned them on and waited for the students to arrive.

Upon their arrival, I heard the chattering of students outside. I took a glance at the students outside through the small window and grasped the door handle to let them in. The students quickly switched their gaze towards the door and hurried inside. I watched them make their way into the classroom and waited for them to take their seats.

"I'll be taking over for today's lesson since your English teacher is sick, okay class". I handed the students their assigned tasks their teacher had left them before taking a seat.

I thought to myself as I shuffled to find a comfortable position in the chair, "This chair is rather comfy."

Whether it was working or sketching on a sheet of paper, the students appeared to be preoccupied with their tasks. As I noticed that two of my students were reluctant to begin their work, I stood up and approached them.

"What are you guys thinking about for your writing prompts?" I questioned in a positive tone to gain their attention and set myself to lean against a chair.

The two once chuckling students looked up at me with amusement and a startling look in their eyes. One of them seemed to have continued to giggle even after I confronted them but quickly moved on to start working. Or make it seem like they're working. They both work slowly completing their assignment but it doesn't bother me that much.

I don't realize only after that I am tightly holding onto one of the chairs. I must have subconsciously done that. I awkwardly take my hands off the chair with a layer of sweat where my palm was sitting and wipe it with my shirt as I make myself back to my desk.

I could feel eyes on me. I mean it is a big classroom I would expect a student or two to stare but, it was different. It felt like they were right next to me. Watching, waiting just for something to happen. I look away from the computer but everyone seemed to be working as normal.

"Odd," I thought.

Its almost time for the next period and slight chattering could be heard among the students. I have less than 15 minutes until class ends. I sigh, hesitantly but make my way to the front of the class dragging a chair close behind me. Making my way up to the classroom I set my leg on top of the chair in an intimidating stance.

Students slowly look up at me and patiently wait for me to speak.

"Alright, students, the class is coming to end so I hope all of you had the opportunity to make a start for your writing prompts. Your teacher won't be able to make it tomorrow but, she'll be back on Thursday. So, up until Thursday, I will continue substituting for this class."

An awkward pause fell in the classroom. Anticipation on the student's expressions.

"...basically you guys are packing up early." I finished.

A collective sigh could be heard from the students as they happily put their work away in their folders and sit next to their friends.

As I put the chair back where it was, snickering could be heard from two particular students. I won't name them but I think they might know who they are. They muffle their laughter raising my suspicion even more, but I quickly let it go. I slump down onto my chair and lay back to close my eyes while waiting for the bell to ring.

Any minute now...

My eyes closed, laid back, comfortable in my seating...not a worry at the moment- *Ding x4*

Caught off guard I watch as students hurry to the door. I sigh before getting up to go to my next class,—"Science 1 Year 7".

748 word count.

💕mwah💕 ~𝙷𝚞𝚍𝚊 (author)

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