Chapter 2

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Before I can even ring the doorbell, the door opens. "Hi Diana. I've been waiting for you. Please come in." He raises his hand to show me that he wants me to enter. I step in and follow him to his flat. We climb the stairs to the top level of the building. There aren't many levels but still I am kind of out of breath since I tried my best to show up as fast as I can. " May I ask why you know my name? We haven't seen each other until now. Or have we?" I look at him expecting an answer, but he doesn't even look at me. Did he even hear me? This man looks quite old. Maybe his hearing has gotten worse over the years. We are standing in front of the door that is the enter of his apartment. At least I think so. Somehow nothing is happening. The old man is not using a key to open the door. Instead, he is just standing there like a statue. I take a closer look at him. He is not breathing. Also, there are no signs that this "person" is human. I'm not going to lie but this gives me chills. "Hello?" Still, nothing happens. I think it is time to go now. This was obviously a scam. I shouldn't have shown up. What was in my mind to think that I would get a free room. Instead, all I got is a weird old man that led me to the top level of this building and then happen to be kind of dead. As I started to go down words, the door finally opens. A small but still old man looks up to me. " Did I creep you with my android? If so, I am truly sorry. It must have run out of energy. Can you help me and carry Charles in here?" I try my best to realize that there is an actual android. I always thought those would be science fiction. Things that would be a thing in the future. The more I try to understand what I am seeing the more I get confused. So, I decided to lift the android, otherwise I'll become the still standing statue. I expected it to be heavy, but it wasn't. So, I carried it and followed again an old man. I take a look at the decoration. And I must say, that there isn't much to see. Except all those dead looking bodies hanging on the walls. I guess they are androids. Otherwise, this would be a very dangerous place to stay. Not sure if I want to stay here. The old man stops in front of a gape of all the androids. "You can place It here. Do you want to drink something?" "Thanks, but I am good." I don't know if it would be a good idea to get a drink from this person. "So, you offer a room for free. Are there any conditions?" He takes a seat and starts explaining me that it would be nonsense if he would try to explain it to me. He tells me to just try helping him and then I should decide whether I want to help or not. I wonder what he does since it would be so hard to explain. But maybe I should try it. There is nothing I could lose. I signed the contract and now I have a room to live. The room that I got is different from what I have expected. It doesn't have bodies hanging on the walls. Why did I expect this in a sleeping room? I don't think that anyone could sleep while seeing dead looking bodies. There is not much in here. Just a bed, a desk and a closet. Very basic. But enough for me. I don't know why but I suddenly feel so exhausted. Luckily, I got a room with a bed that is waiting for me to sleep in there. This feels so good. So soft and the blanket is so warm. It didn't even take five minutes and I am asleep. That is a very special talent of mine. There could be a competition of who falls asleep at first. No one could beat me. No, I can't sleep now. It is still light outside. Maybe I should take a look around in this flat. And also, I should get to know what exactly this man needs. I am always referring to him as the old man. He surely has a name. I mean like whom doesn't have one. While I stand up to get to nameless man, I see something shimmering behind my closet. I wonder what this could be. Because of me being so curios, I started to move the closet, just to see what the shimmering object could be. Or should I say I try my best? Man. This furniture is so heavy. Or am I just weak? I really want to know what there is. Even though I am using all my weight still nothing moves. Not even a centimeter. I can't let it end here. While I'm trying my best to move the closet the old man comes in. "What are you doing?" I made a jump because I didn't expect that he would come in. "Um ... I tried to move this because ... I wanted to move it over there. ", yes, I had definitely nothing else in mind. He looks at me. Not with a face expression I would have expected. Instead, he ignores it. "Anyways. I wanted to show you where I need your help. So do you mind helping me right now?" 

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