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At some point Ari contacted Carla, their doula, who then agreed to come over. Ari had recommended she rest for about an hour in bed before becoming a bit more active and changing positions. After an hour in bed all she could do was stand due to the contractions. It was no longer even comfortable to lie down, she was ready to get up and shift that energy.

Under Ari’s guidance, Guzmán assisted Nadia with gentle squats. This was to progress her labor. She breathed her way through the intense surges with Guzmán’s support as he squatted with her. It was very helpful having his wife with him, helping in action as he worked through his contractions. Guzmán stayed by Nadia’s side, pressing her hands deep into her hips while she was down and opening herself up to help the baby’s descent into the birth canal.
“You guys are doing great.” Ari stood close by encouraging them. “You’re doing exactly what you need to be doing right now, Nadia.” She praised her.

As each one started to build she would start her deep rhythmic breathing. He knew that in her mind she was visualizing something but she honestly had no idea where she was. She ends up losing her focus a few times and starts to moan and feel pain but with gentle tones from Guzmán and Carla, her doula once she arrived, they would bring her back to her breathing and she was able to get back into her head space.

Nadia lifted her head up and opened his eyes searching for her husband. Guzmán moved himself forward a bit so Nadia could see him and gave her a warm smile knowing it made her feel better that he was there.

“Can you move in front of me babe? I want to lean against you.”


Guzmán listened to his wife and crawled up in front of Nadia, helping her onto her knees. Nadia spread her legs and hips wider, which seemed to help the cramps that were developing in her calves. She leaned forward against her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid her head on Guzmán's shoulder and took in a cleansing breath, letting it out with a soft moan as the contraction started.

“Remember to breathe, honey. Breathing is helping you and our baby.” Guzmán whispered into Nadia’s ear. “Breathe for our baby.”

Nadia focused on her breathing, inhaling and exhaling in consistent patterns from what they were taught in their birthing class. Having Guzmán breathing with her was helping her stay calm and focused.

“You’re doing excellent, baby.”

“Mmmm….thank you.” Nadia whispered back and could tell she made her husband smile.

They stayed in this position for an hour and a half then Nadia’s knees were starting to ache so Guzmán helped her up.

“Do you mind if I check you again?” Ari asks.

Nadia shakes her head and lays herself on the couch, spreading her legs, allowing her midwife to check her progression.

“Alright, you’re gonna feel pressure but it’ll be over in a few seconds. Just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.”

“Breathe, honey. It’ll be over soon.” Guzmán says and gives her a kiss. “Just breathe, you’re doing great.”

“You’re at four centimeters right now, Nadia. You’re progressing well, um, contractions are getting stronger yeah?”

“Mhm.” She groans as she nods her head. “C-Can I get in the shower with Guzmán?”

“Of course, yeah. Anything you want to do, do it. It’ll definitely help you, Nadia.”

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