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There once was a boy named Soren, (born december 21, 1999) he was a really strange boy, very quite, and only had a small amount of friends. Even his own friends barely knew him. People would call him Jesus because when he had to guess out things, he'll always get it right. A lot of people just thought he just had really good luck and, some people think he could see in the future. He was actually really smart too, he wouldn't even have to learn a subject Soren would already know about it. Soren one day started getting these weird headaches and, during these headaches he'll see these strange visions and the funny thing he believed they were real. He would see people doing things and later actually seeing it happen. This is when he really knew he could see in the future. I mean come on, who can get these weird visions out of nowhere, then they actually happen? he wanted to know more of this ability so he went on google looking up things about seeing in the future. He came across this word called, Precognition. He read into it and he was sure that's what he had. He became a fortune teller after school. He made so much money because people would come back shock, because they didn't actually believe what he was telling them was true so they kept coming back. He would later finish school very early then the average student. Usually people after high school would go to college but not Soren, nope, he didn't think he needed to go to college, because he basically knew the future and he apprehended that was useless. He soon did go to the doctors due to having terrible headaches also losing his eye vision. Doctors did give him medicine but it only just worked a little bit cause he was still in loads of pain. He knew it was since he was looking in the future BUT, he didn't care, Soren felt like he was getting stronger (he wasn't). Soren was SOO certain, that he started hurting himself. Soren will get knifes and sharp objects that he was for sure will hurt him a lot to the point he would be able to see more in the future.He started with the arms, then his fingers, his legs, toes, even his neck. Soren was in so much pain that he later passed out for longer than 12 hours. After those 12 hours Soren thought he was God, He started looking so much into the future his brain couldn't take it anymore. Soren started bleeding out the eyes, but he kept thinking hard. He thought this was a good thing, so he kept thinking, and  thinking, and thinking. Blood started coming out his mouth. Soren started raising his arms up like God and was smiling wide and big. He started laughing he was so excited, he kept thinking. Soon his fingers started bleeding a lot again going with his toes he was loosing so much blood, that he started falling to his knees. He started yelling to god he was so happy he thought he was becoming more than a future reader. His arms, legs and, head started falling off. Soren fell to the ground slowly. His last words were "I did it". Soren did die with a big grin on his face, he did to major blood loss. RIP THAT BRAIN AYYEE. The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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