v. Good Night

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              The dinner came quicker than Alice had anticipated. The days prior to it became a blur spent at James' house, but at the end it all led up to this. This was the moment of truth — the moment in which they had to turn a lie into the truth. And Alice wasn't sure she could do it.

              Sirius sat by her side silently, ignoring the scrutinizing gaze his mother was burning Alice under. His father sat still and unmoving at the head of the table, while Regulus kept his eye on her with that same look he had on the train. Saliva was becoming increasingly harder to swallow for Alice as she felt the Black family's eyes on her.

              Sirius was the only one who wasn't looking. He was staring at his shiny shoes instead. He didn't want to look at her. He seemed to be deeply ashamed as he avoided answering questions and even sat on the farthest edge of his chair to avoid the slightest brush against Alice.

              The silence bounced off the walls and echoed deafeningly. Alice's Christmas dinners were miserable, but never to this extent. She couldn't help but feel that it was her fault, that her presence was responsible for disrupting an otherwise merry atmosphere.

              She turned to look at Sirius for help, but it was no good. His eyes remained glued to the floor.

              "I'm sorry, dear, but what did you say your name was, again?" Asked Orion, Sirius' dad. His voice was deep and it echoed all around the dining room, shattering the silence.

              "Al — Elara. Elara Carrow." Alice's eyes widened at her slip up, fear taking over her frail body. She noticed Sirius tightening his grip on his cutlery. This was a test. And she was failing.

              "And how are you doing in school, Elara?" Walburga's voice was a lot smoother than her husband's, but it was cold and that made it all the more terrifying.

              There was a scoff in response to the question, and when Alice looked up for the source, she realized it was Regulus' turn to speak.

              "She stays at the top of all her classes," he said, and Alice felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Isn't that right, Elara?"

              But the way he drawled the question made Alice's stomach drop. He knows. He'll tell them I'm not her, were the thoughts that flashed through her mind anxiously. Nevertheless, she nodded slowly.

              "Oh, wonderful," he continued, his voice carrying that scornful undertone that just made her want to run and hide. "But do tell us, is that all you? Or are you getting help? A tutor, perhaps? Or are you playing it dirty?"

              "What — ?"

              "We both know you wouldn't be where you are if it wasn't for Severus," Regulus spat, his voice dropping as he glared at her from across the table. "It's no wonder he doesn't associate with your sort anymore."

              Tears started to well in Alice's eyes. That was too far. Too much.

              "Sirius," she pleaded quietly as she turned to him again, but he continued to ignore her. "Sirius, please — say something — "

              She had reached for his arm, but he drew it closer towards himself as if repulsed.

              "Don't touch me." He said coldly, standing up. He leaned down and whispered harshly, "I asked one thing of you. One."

              Alice's heart shattered in a thousand pieces while she watched him walk away. Suddenly, questions and remarks of all sorts rose from the Black's dinner table. She couldn't take it any longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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