Chapter 5

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Here's the next part for you guys. Sorry been having a lot on my mind lately.

So here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy! :D


Chapter 5

June 27th, 1997    Boston, MA

The next day...

The next morning turns out to be uneventful, since the girls’ are now three they go ahead downstairs. They walk into the living room and notice the mom and dad on the couch sleeping. Isabella pokes at Mitchell nose to wake him up. Juliet finds a pillow and lightly taps Elizabeth on the head with it. Both of them get up and Elizabeth comes to a sudden realization. She remembers a phone call from her cousin on the house phone and mentioned that Elizabeth’s dad died. They set the viewing for today and the funeral for tomorrow. She quickly runs upstairs to change into nice clothes. Since Mitchell didn’t know him and is off from work today, he gets the girls’ fed and changed into their day clothing.

Elizabeth leaves the home a few hours later and grabs lunch on the way there. When arriving to the funeral home, she notices close family and friends in nice attire. She walks inside trying to avoid conversations with them. Then she remembered that most of the family doesn’t like her. Elizabeth remembered her mom taking her to her rehab visits to when she was an alcoholic. Her dad was never there because he remembered saying to her, “Get clean or get out.” She kept that thought in mind and hasn’t looked back since. She walks over to the area to where they have her dad’s open casket and then to where a collage was made filled with photos of them. She noticed that she wasn’t in a lot of them because most of those times she was in rehab. Elizabeth stays at the viewing for a few hours and then heads home to notice Mitchell and the girls’ playing with their toys.

            “How was it?” asks Mitchell. “It was fine. Most of my own family didn’t even notice me.” says Elizabeth. “Did you remember why?” says Mitchell. “Yeah, I did.” says Elizabeth. “Good. Want to order in this evening or would you like to take the girls’ out to eat?” says Mitchell. “I would love to head out but let’s order in. We’ve got plenty of times to take the girls’ out.” says Elizabeth. “That’s true. I’ll go ahead and order Chinese.” says Mitchell.  “Thanks. Make sure to find something the girls’ can eat.” says Elizabeth. “I will.” says Mitchell.

Mitchell orders Chinese and Elizabeth changes into comfortable clothing and plays with the girls’ downstairs. He tells her that the food will be ready in less than ten minutes, so he gets to go out and get the food. Elizabeth continues playing with the girls’ and then hears Mitchell’s voice in the door. He sets the table and passes around the food to everyone. Everyone talks and enjoys themselves this evening.


June 28th, 1997    Boston, MA

Elizabeth awakes on this morning and notices that she has her dad’s funeral today. Mitchell already left for work, so she has the nanny watching the girls’ today while she’s out. She gets up and notices the nanny feeding the girls’ there breakfast. She goes to shower, get dressed and heads out for the funeral today. She drives over there and notices her family giving her strange looks again. Why does this keep happening?!- Elizabeth thought. She finds a seat in the back of the church away from everyone and the service begins. It has her being reminded of a song that she likes by Green Day entitled Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.- Green Day

The song ponders through her head throughout the whole service and wonders If I hadn’t made those stupid mistakes earlier in life, everybody would love me right? I don’t know. Sometimes I miss my teenage and young adult days but I’ve got to move on and keep my head held high. If they don’t like me, oh well! That’s too bad! Just help me through this day, God and hopefully everything goes right after today.

As soon as she finished that thought, they have a small get-together at her mom’s house. She decides to go over there even if she doesn’t want to. Everyone noticed her and her mom, Greta, talks to her.

            “Hi, honey; I’m surprised you would come.” says Greta. “No seems to understand me ever since I went and left rehab. Why is that?” says Elizabeth. “Come upstairs and we’ll talk about it. Everyone’s mingling so yeah.” says Greta. “Okay.” says Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and her mom head upstairs to her old room to talk about things. I think this is one talk to be witnessed.

            “I haven’t been here in years. It hasn’t even changed.” says Elizabeth. “I know it hasn’t.  But anyways, how do you feel right now?” says Greta. “I feel sad because my dad is gone and no one understands me.” says Elizabeth. “I know you do. But you know what, I understand you. Those days of went I took you to and from rehab. I enjoyed those moments between us.” says Greta. “I know you did and now I am clean. It feels good some days and then comes to when I want some then I don’t.” says Elizabeth. “Have you had anything to drink in the past few months?” says Greta. “No, I haven’t. Look I want to tell you one thing.” says Elizabeth. “What is it?” says Greta. “Is that I love you regardless if anyone else does. I’m thankful for Mitchell and my two beautiful adopted girls’. It’s nice that you care about me. If someone doesn’t like me, I put my best accessory on and that is my smile. Because those people need to learn that happiness is the best key in life to unlock. Look, I’d love to stay but I would like to go home. Bye, Mom, I love you.” says Elizabeth. “I love you, too. Tell the girls’ that there Grandma loves them. Also say hi to Mitchell for me. Bye now.” says Elizabeth.

She grabs her purse and heads out to go home. As she is going home, she hears a song that makes her think of her and Mitchell. It’s Lovefool by the Cardigans.

So I cry, I pray and I beg

Love me love me

Say that you love me

Fool me fool me

Go on and fool me

Love me love me- the Cardigans

She pulls into the driveway and notices the nanny has left and Mitchell is now home. He notices Elizabeth and walks to the door to see her. She hugs him and he doesn’t know what is happening right now.

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