Coming home.

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Cara's pov.

I had been running for such a long time.
My life had really never been easy.
First I kill my mom by being born, then I grow up in the woods that was by the house I was born in, afraid someone would come and find my mom.
When no one had been there for over 5 years I went back to live in the house. Buried mom in the garden and lived on the means she had. It wasn't always easy, and sometimes I found myself praying that someone would come and rescue me! Other times I loved being alone and not be bothered by others. Especially after my first time in town.
God, people stare. When they don't know you or if you seem better looking than them. I often find myself wishing that people, didn't care for what they or others look like. It's not looks that matter. Of course it's nice to look at, but in matters of the heart, it really doesn't matter.

I was 17 when I met him!
I thought he was the love of my life.
I met him one night I was shopping in the town next to where I lived. His name was Phillip Everheart Jones, he was older than me, but I've always been smarter and more advanced then others and he chose me!!! I was so happy.

At first. Though.
He was great in the beginning. He brought me flowers and sweet talked me. All girls love that, but one night I caught him with an older lady in town. We had been together for 3 years and I was ready for more. Apparently he had been tired of waiting after so many years.
I wanted to leave him, I truly did.
The first few months everything was fine after he left. But then weird things started happening.
I knew I was different and I could smell better and all that crap, but as it was happening I became a little girl again. Forgetting what my instinct was telling me. He apparently knew people of my world cause things changed just after my 21 birthday.
Though I now looked in my mid twenties, I had looked like this for over 40 years. Though the last 19 I had been trapped and prisoned by a vampire whom also told me of what I am. He was trying to get me pregnant and see if he could make another race all together.
One night though I don't know how he never came back.
When he wasn't back the day after, I grew bold. I packed everything I could get into to bags. (Which is quite a lot if you pack nicely.) he had money and all things exiting there. He knew I didn't dare touch things that was his. But hell I've not been so bold in years.

I ran and ran and then ran some more. Until I found myself at this gorgeous field.
A beautiful man was laying there, but I truly hoped he wouldn't mind sharing.
I was scared as hell that he would be like Michael, but I felt this weird tug, to go closer.

Oh god!!! Please don't hurt me.
I thought as I took a step closer.......

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