𝐭 𝐫 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐞 - 𝐧 𝐞 𝐮 𝐟

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Madelyn felt like her body was ripped in half. Screaming in pain, she settled down a little when Nathaniel brought more blood to her lips. The Cullen wolf knew it was the time for their baby to come out and she was scared. She was strong, she knew it, but Madelyn couldn't help but worry. What if she wasn't strong enough to bring her child to life? She didn't want to disappoint her mate. It was so unexpected for them to have a child, she had to do this right. They had a chance to live the impossible and Madelyn didn't want to be the cause it failed. 

"It's time, mon amour [my love]. Are you ready to push?" Nathaniel asked, wiping her sweaty forehead once more and giving her some human blood again. He hoped the childbirth would be simple and that his beloved wouldn't suffer much. But listening to her screams, he sincerely didn't think so. 

Madelyn cursed under her breath, glaring at Nathaniel's head. She wasn't mad at him, but she needed to concentrate on something else than the pain she felt. And what was a better sight than her handsome imprint?

"I can't- it hurts too much," Madelyn whimpered, panting slightly while Nathaniel rubbed her hand he was holding and her stomach, pressing a kiss to it softly.

"I know it hurts my love, but one last effort and everything will be fine," The teacher reassured, kissing his mate's lips lovingly.

After pushing with all her might for long minutes, the little cries of a baby made Madelyn's eyes open. She was exhausted but wanted to see her baby first. After taking care of the baby quick but well done, Nathaniel speeded back besides his mate, cradling their child in his arms. 

"Welcome home, Aiden Cullen," Nathaniel muttered, staring at his baby in awe. He was gorgeous. Madelyn smiled tiredly, staring at her imprint and their child. They were such an incredible sight.

"I want to hold him," Madelyn whispered, earning a fond smile from her husband. Carefully, he gave her Aiden, who's eyes fluttered open to stare at his mother. Tears soon filled her eyes as she looked at her child. At their child. Their little miracle. "He is so beautiful," The Cullen wolf pressed a small kiss on Aiden's forehead before passing him back to Nathaniel. After a few minutes, the woman drifted off to sleep, under the protective gaze of her beloved. The vampire checked his wife to make sure she was healthy and unharmed and once he was satisfied, he laid down on the bed besides Madelyn, little Aiden resting on his bare chest, with heavy eyelids. 

Nathaniel spent the night like this, enjoying the presence of the two most important person in his life and taking care of his son through the night. 

The next day, Madelyn woke up late after lunchtime, to the lovely sounds of a baby cooing

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The next day, Madelyn woke up late after lunchtime, to the lovely sounds of a baby cooing. Her body was sore and she had trouble sitting up. She must had move in her sleep because the wolf was now on her stomach, a cold hand travelling her bare back every so often. Opening her eyes slowly, she was surprised to meet soft brown eyes staring back at her. Blinking a few times to gain a clear vision, Madelyn could now watch with amazement her baby giving her a toothy smile. A fond chuckle got the woman out of her staring contest with Aiden, while the same cold hand wrapped itself around her waist.

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