3. New York

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I didn't got any time to edit this chapter so pleas eig ore all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

Enjoy your reading.

Stiles put all the things he might need in one big and one small bag. He kept all the weapon and wierd things his dad had with him in his jeep. Then put his things in back. He thought of taking a plane to New York but sitting and not doing anything for hours didn't sound like a great plan to hi. and he decided to just drive.

He's been completely alone whole time. He have no family left, no friends and no pack.

Everytime he thinks about pack his heart breaks in thousand pieces. None of them called or even texted him let alone come and check. He's pretty sure they still don't know about his dad. But even after that they didn't try to see if he was fine or even alive, it was feeling like even Theo the person who was after him like maniac disappeared.

Whenever he gets these thoughts he blocks them out. He's been master in pushing his feelings back and feeling nothing since nogitsune....since Allison's death. If he had not pushed them back he might have gone crazy or maybe have done something bad with himself.

He tried to go through his dad's room and stuff to see if he can find anything but there was nothing. He don't even know where his dad wanted to take him in New York. But still he decided that he's going there and he won't tell anyone. He don't think anyone is even going to look for him now, they will think he ran away or died and ironically he did both.

He's running away and he felt dead. Also from what he saw that night, the things which killed his dad and if he's going against them alone then that might be last thing he will do, but he's not going to back away now. He will avenge his dad.

He sat inside Roscoe and glances one last time at his childhood home, or atleast that's what he thought. He bit his lip and drove away as fast as he can. He was driving silently looking at the road. He wanted to cry but he got no one's shoulders to lean on. That thought killed all emotions inside him. He's feeling numb and he's doing nothing to stop that.

Just after he was out from Beacon Hills, his phone vibrates after a long time. Last call he recieved was from Liam a week ago, asking him to come at animal clinic after Hayden got attacked. He went there but then Scott stopped him outside to accuse him about Donovan. He had made sure everyone in pack is alive and fine, in one piece, before he left.

His phone vibrates again gaining his attention, his curiosity spiked and he pulled it out from his pocket to see he have massages from Scott. He's last person Stiles was thinking of right now, he's not sure why Scott will text him after all this.

He wanted to read them but Scott's face in rain telling him how he killed Donovan flashes in his mind and he tucked his phone back. He don't think he can handle any more hate or accusations from his so called best friend and brother at the moment.

He's been driving for more then ten hours only stopping for freshing up, gas or water. But now his eyes were dropping like lead and he almost got hit by another car twice. He don't want to die without knowing everything and take someone else's innocent life with his too, that's why he stopped outside a small motel and and rented a room for night. That motel was reminding him of glan capri, where all the werewolves tried to kill themselves. One more memory he wants to forget.

He fell on the bad and instantly fall asleep...... just to wake up screaming. He kept screaming until his throat was sore and he realise that he's awake. Someone was pounding on his door, he shook himself out of his fear clouded mind and he went to check. He opened it without a second thought. There he saw reception lady looking like she ran here, he saw every rooms light around his room were also on, he instantly felt guilty.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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