Chapter 1

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Harry gazed at his reflection in the mirror, studying it carefully.

He wasn't sure what had happened that summer, but his appearance had begun to change. And not the normal 'maturing' sort of change either, but quite a drastic one.

It had started with a growth spurt.

He had awoken one night to extreme pain, his muscles cramping as his body grew. By the morning, he had visibly gained a couple of inches, which even Aunt Petunia commented on. It continued for a few weeks. He also gained more muscle. He wasn't bulky or anything like that, but still more muscular, with a lean build, although slightly underweight.

Harry found it strange. Even if he was a wizard, growing several inches overnight wasn't normal.

The next thing had been his face.

The changes had been subtle at first so that he barely noticed them, but gradually, as the summer progressed, they became more prominent. His cheekbones became sharper, more defined, his hair sleeker and easier to manage, his nose more aristocratic. His eyes, thankfully, stayed the same, blazing emerald, like his mother's. And it worried him

Harry knew that something was wrong. After about a month, the changes seemed to have settled, leaving him over a foot taller, and looking like a completely different person.

Naturally, no one was sending him any letters, and with Sirius... gone, Harry knew he would have to rely on himself.

So, he spent the days cooped up in his little room, sending mail-orders to Flourish and Blotts, in an attempt to find out what was wrong with him.

His search revealed nothing. He couldn't find anything that would lead to such drastic changes. What he did find, were glamour charms, which would at least help in the meantime.

Harry also discovered a great passion for reading and knowledge, and ordered more books for pleasure, soaking it all in.

He found out that wandless magic couldn't be tracked by the ministry, so he began to learn some, and managed to apply a glamour to himself that way.

This, luckily, allowed him to go out of his room, as he was beginning to get stir crazy.

He had realised that, if he was going to have any chance at beating Voldemort, he would need to train, and a good way to start would be to get into shape.

Harry took to waking early every morning, and going for a run around the neighbourhood. He knew the order was watching him, and it amused him as he improved, to hear his hidden guards huffing and puffing to keep up with him.


Two weeks before school started, Harry still hadn't received any letters. So, he gave up waiting, donned his cloak, and left for Diagon Alley, unseen.

His first stop, as per usual, was Gringotts.

As he entered, he removed his cloak, and double-checked to see that his vault key was in his pocket, before walking over to a teller.

He was stopped midway, however, by someone calling his name. He turned sharply, to find a goblin giving him a hard state.

"Mr Potter?"


"Director Ragnok wishes to see you. Please follow me."

With that, he walked off, leaving a confused Harry to stumble on after him.

He eventually found himself before a set of ornately carved doors, one of which had a metal plaque, which read, 'Ragnok - Director' in clear gold lettering.

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