I'm back!

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hi everyone I know you all have been quite patient with me doing a different project than usual and  I thank you all for your unconditional support and so after many requests, we are back on our regular schedule that being POLYAMORY yes my loves we are back with our favourite band and a new storyline hope you all can give it a chance love you all see you soon in the first chapter. now less of me rambling here is the intro to the new book!!

Kim seokjin
-24 years old
-moved from his homes town to Seoul for university studies

Min Yoongi -24 years old (I know irl he is younger but let it be)-decided to leave Daegu and further his studies in a Seoul university

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Min Yoongi
-24 years old (I know irl he is younger but let it be)
-decided to leave Daegu and further his studies in a Seoul university.

Min Yoongi -24 years old (I know irl he is younger but let it be)-decided to leave Daegu and further his studies in a Seoul university

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Kim Namjoon
-23 years old
-was give en a scholarship to move to Seoul and study in a Seoul university.

Jung Hoseok -23 years old -moved back to Korea from United States to continue his studies and be closer to his family

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Jung Hoseok
-23 years old
-moved back to Korea from United States to continue his studies and be closer to his family.

Jung Hoseok -23 years old -moved back to Korea from United States to continue his studies and be closer to his family

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Park Jimin
-22 years old
-followed his friends to Seoul to continue his education.

Kim Taehyung - 22 years old -pushed by his parents to continue his education and major in business to take over the family business

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Kim Taehyung
- 22 years old
-pushed by his parents to continue his education and major in business to take over the family business.

Kim Taehyung - 22 years old -pushed by his parents to continue his education and major in business to take over the family business

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Jeon jungkook
-22 years old
-family relocated to Seoul and so he decided to join the Seoul university.

Jeon jungkook-22 years old-family relocated to Seoul and so he decided to join the Seoul university

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