Chapter 15

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I've had about 2 and a half hours of sleep, plagued with nightmares for about an hour and a half of that sleep. Now I've got the zoomies, and have been running around the bunker for about 3 hours and I think this is how I die... again.

Then I was grabbed, I yelped, and held onto Sam's arm as he stopped me.
Dean said" What's up with Zoomies?"
Sam said" He's running on fumes, with what did you say, Riv, like an hour of real sleep?" I nodded, slumping against his arm,
" In how long?"
" Well, I'm gonna say about 4 days."
" Dammit. Melatonin him?"
" Definitely."
I mumbled" What if I have nightmares?"
" Riv, you need sleep, man."
" I'll sleep when I die again."
" Can't even be mad that you said that. But you need sleep, so melatonin sleep it is." I flopped onto the floor, I heard them both sigh, then Dean walked over to me, he chuckled. I stared up at him, he leaned down and hoisted me up, over his shoulder.
" So if Sam's the brains, and you're the muscle, what does that make me?"
" The psycho that keeps us on our toes." I giggled,
Sam said" Don't call him a psycho."
" He likes it." I giggled as Dean started carrying me to my room.

Dean put me down onto my bed, I rolled over and tried to make a run for it but Sam blocked the door.
He said" Nice try, hot shot." I sat on my bed, criss-cross,
Dean said" Two shots." He poured some melatonin into a medicine cup, and handed it to me. I drank it, then stuck out my tongue," One down, one to go." He gave me the second one, I drank it quickly, he took back the tiny medicine cup. I laid down, Rexxy came to me, I wrapped my arm around him, closing my eyes.
" Hope you have sweet dreams, Riv."
" Get some sleep, buddy." I felt them both kiss my head before I fell asleep.

I woke up, I yawned, still extremely exhausted, but I was drenched in sweat and freezing cold. I scooted off my bed, and stumbled out of my room,
I said" Sam! Dean! Dean?!" I held onto the wall as I stumbled to the kitchen.

I stumbled into the library and they weren't there too, I breathed heavily then I wigged out. Black smoke surrounded me....

I appeared in my room, then it took me again, I appeared in Dean's room, then again in Sam's. I screamed as pain overrode everything in my body then everything went black.
I don't know how long its been, I got locked in a closet and I couldn't get out and I just woke up again. I breathed heavily, then cried out, then I screamed as loud as I could.

I heard running, then banging on the door,
I heard Sam yell" River?!" I whimpered, someone tried to open the door, but it was locked.
Dean said" River! You... buddy?!"
I whined" Deee..."
Sam said" Open the door, Riv."
" Cannn't."
" How close are you to the door, buddy?" I tapped my foot,
Dean said" Okay, we're gonna break it down, okay? I want you to cover your face, got that?" I weakly covered my face,
I mumbled" Uh-huh."
" Okay. One-" I heard a bang," Two..." Another," Three!" Then a really big crack, then they hit it more, till it opened a little and they pulled it open. I saw my brothers," What the hell happened, Riv? Where have- Have you been stuck in here this whole time?"
" You were gone, I wigged out... I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
" Hey, it's all right, no big deal." He lifted me up, I slumped my head against his shoulder, my face nuzzled his neck.
Sam said" He's freezing."
" Yeah. Let's get him out of these clothes and into warmer ones."

Dean put me down, I slumped against my bed, he caught my arm and pulled me up. He pulled off my shirt, and Sam handed him one of my long sleeve shirts. He pulled it onto me, I whined in protest since all I wanted to do was sleep right now.
He said" You're fine, we've got you." He pulled my shoes off then my pants before pulling another pair onto me. He lifted me up and pulled my giant hoodie onto me, then laid me down under the cover. I immediately started dozing off again, but jerked up as he tried to move away from me, he sighed then sat next to my head. Then Sam was dragged back, he chuckled, and sat on the other side of my head, I relaxed again. Dean whispered" Did he just..."
Sam whispered" Pull me back, yep." I dug my face into Dean's side, then my hand grasped Sam's shirt.
" Guess we're stuck here till he wakes up again."
" You're okay with that."
" I'm okay with that, definitely, he needs the real rest."
" Yeah, he does. I mean, the bags under his eyes are worse than ours."
" Maybe we should take him to Shelley's if she's still around, you know? I think he needs a break."
" It'll just make his powers act up more, it won't be a break to him."
" Yeah, you're right." I whined," Sorry, buddy. Get some sleep." He rubbed back my hair, Sam started rubbing my back, my eyelids drooped more and I fell asleep again.

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