Chapter 5

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Grace groaned as she watched Rafe make his way over to her

She really didn't want to tell him what happened with JJ- it was stupid and embarrassing and she shouldn't even be telling him in the first place

" How's my pretty girl doing today? " he asked, taking a seat at the bar

" what do you want Rafe " she asked- already feeling exhausted from this conversation

" To know how you are- no offence but you look like shit G "

She looked up at him, a scowl on her face

" aww how nice- just what every girl wants to hear at- " she paused and looked at her watch

" 7:30am- which by the way why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Wheezie right now? Don't tell me you left her at the table by herself " the initial kind tone she took with him was now gone

He smirked at her

" Just visiting my favourite waitress- and Louisa is perfectly capable of sitting at a table by herself Grace " he smiled

She was still not convinced

" you're so full of shit now seriously what do you want " she asked as she began washing a cup out

He sighed

" oh how you wound me- but now that you mention it....... I do need your help "

She set down the glass she was cleaning out and looked over at him again

" what could you possibly need MY help with Rafe? You have plenty of friends and not to mention both girls and guys lining up to get with you so I cannot possibly wrap my mind around the idea that YOU somehow need ME "

The older boy huffed as he fidgeted with his ring- something they seemingly had in common

" Look- I told my dad that I was dating some nice girl I met on the cut- he was shocked at first and didn't really believe me but now he's saying he wants to meet her and - "

" let me guess- there is no girl " she finished for him

He looked back up at her with a pleading look on his face

" welllllllll not yet there isn't- but there could be "

" Listen Rafe- I have just about had the worst day of my life like ever and it's not even 8am.... I am seriously not in the mood for your stupid games " she huffed

" I'll pay you "

She snorted

" you're going to pay me to be your fake girlfriend? You can hear yourself right? And you know how ridiculous that sounds? " she asked

He nodded- a slightly sour expression on his face

" Yes or no Roberts " he asked getting frustrated

She sighed- taking a moment to think

" how much? " she asked

He smiled

" $100 for every dinner with my family- an extra $50 if they are awkward- $75 for every public date- including ones at my house where people are watching and $200 for midsummers- after that we have a little fight and then we're donezo " he explained

" so let me get this straight- you're paying me to date you for the next 3 weeks? " she asked

" Yes.... "

" why me? " she asked

" Well for one- you're probably the only Pogue I can stand in fact I actually kind of like you but if you tell anyone I said that I'll deny it and then kill you.... For two everyone's seen how friendly we've been towards each other these past few days and it's got them talking "

" is this why you've been so nice to me this week? " she asked

He hesitated for a moment before answering

" Yes and no- I'm usually nice to you but I figured I'd put on the extra charm so you'd be more compelled to say yes   "

She sighed- mentally giving him a few points for creativity

" what if I have to kiss you " she asked

" I'm so not paying you for that I mean- look at me " he said pointing to his face

Grace rolled her eyes before letting out a small laugh

" the size of your ego is astronomical "

" so what do you say? " he asked- nervous for her answer

She was silent for a few minutes- obviously thinking the deal over

" Well considering my life has been an absolute shit show these past few days- I don't see how this could make it any worse so yes- I will fake date you for the next three weeks Rafe Cameron "

He grinned

" You're the best princess " he exclaimed as he stood up, leaning over the counter and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before running back to his table

" Jesus Christ what have I gotten myself into " she asked herself

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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