Chapter 2 Picking Up a Tramp

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In recent years, Xing Hao's emotional life has been zero, and apart from that short and absurd marriage, he has not contacted any man. Of course, I have never looked for a woman.

In theory, if you remarry, it is best to have a gentle, virtuous, patient and careful stepmother. But he already has a child, and he is pregnant with another one. The burden is already heavy. You can't expect The Wife to give up her right to reproduce to help him take care of her son. This is not fair if you find a divorced, the other party may have children, he Can't support so many people. Marrying a wife doesn't give others a stable life, but also asks the other party to help support the family. It's impossible to justify.

So he had to marry himself out!

Nowadays, gay marriage has been legalized for nearly a decade, and even in this small town far from the metropolis, there are still a few gay couples. When Xing Hao first came, he was very afraid that others would know that Doudou was born to him, and worried that he would cause unnecessary trouble and discrimination to the child. Unexpectedly, this is a place where ethnic minorities live. The aborigines have a bold personality and open folk customs, which is actually more acceptable than in the cities.

For example, the family of Brother Geng who grows melons, everyone respects them, and the youngest daughter is not excluded from the school.

It is a pity that even if people can tolerate specific sexual orientations, the proportion of homosexuals is still not high. After all, this is not a world-class male country, and heterosexuality is still the mainstream of society. Therefore, it is a bit difficult to choose a husband among the few who can accept him, and be willing to take care of the children with him.

After returning home, Xing Hao set up Doudou and started surfing the Internet. He went to a popular dating website, registered an account, filled in his details, and waited for review.

It's not that I haven't considered the senior who has been chasing him for several years. He is indeed a gentle, considerate and rich man, but he has already married, and his wife is the dean's daughter. The expected date of delivery is just a few days ago. How could it be possible to bother in this situation? Being a third party is too shameful to even have thoughts!

Xing Hao has a very strong moral view, knowing what to do and what not to do, the line is very clear. This is an advantage, but to survive in a metropolis where interests are paramount, the praiseworthy qualities can also become disadvantages.

But he was very lucky to find a place suitable for him to live, and he could escape the bottomless mud...

"Dad, give me some burn medicine." Doudou, who was out for a stroll, ran sweaty after he was thinking about it. , Breathing out a small head from the door, and said a strange request. Hearing the word burn, Xing Hao's heart stopped abruptly, and he immediately pulled his son for examination, and found that he was not injured before he breathed a sigh of relief: "Did you kids play with fire and hurt someone!"

"No." Doudou shook his head quickly and explained in a hurry: "Yes, it was Uncle Xiaolin next door who asked me to buy medicine."

There is a camellia shop next to Xing Hao's pharmacy, which can be eaten or taken out. Vacuum-packed products are sold, and they are one of the local specialties that are quite popular among tourists. The local oil tea is slightly different from the northern snacks. It is made from fresh big-leaf kuding tea, sunflower seeds, peanuts, sesame seeds, brown sugar and other raw materials, plus local specialty tea oil, stir-fried in a large pot, and eat according to taste Add an appropriate amount to a bowl, sprinkle a little rice flower and preserved fruit, and then pour it into boiling water to brew. The workmanship of this snack is complicated, and it is often used in fire, and it is indeed easy to burn.

"Then I'll go and take a look, you will take care of the house, and dad will be back in a while." The scald depends on the size of the area and the depth of the injury to take treatment measures. Just rubbing ointment is absolutely not acceptable. The wound must be cleaned, antibiotics are used to prevent inflammation and infection, and if the situation is serious, fluids are needed, so he decided to go there in person.

"No need!" Doudou suddenly shouted, and hugged his father's leg to prevent him from going out: "Uncle Xiaolin said that there is only a little injury, and the ointment will do."

"You give it to me." He began to shame.

Doudou didn't seem to be right. He didn't dare to look Xing hao's eyes when he spoke, and his words didn't match each other. Although anticipating that he was lying, Xing Hao still didn't expose it face-to-face, but only picked some essential medicines and gave it to his son. After the little guy went out, he went to the tea shop next door and greeted the owner: "Master Lin, I heard you got burned. I'll come and see."

"Huh?" Xiao Lin, who inherited the shop at a young age is a bit interesting, but it is not enough to deceive people with injuries, so while he is busy, he says in a nonsense tone: "I hope you can burn me with enthusiasm."

"It seems that the injury is serious, and they are starting to talk nonsense." In the face of a suitor ten years younger than him, even though Xing Hao had the idea of ​​remarrying, he would not consider him. After a tragic marriage, he became afraid of his spouse who was too young. Generation gap, estrangement, incomprehension, no intersection, too many differences are destined to become obstacles. So he wanted to find a man who was about his age, or a few years older, who had a common topic and could understand each other.

Or to put it this way, he desires to be taken care of, not to take care of others!

"Just fried, bring it back to Doudou." While talking, Xiao Lin served a bowl of hot camellia, packaged it with the ingredients, and handed it to Xing Hao: "The newly developed new flavor has a secret weapon. Remember to tell me what I think after eating."

"It smells good." A natural fragrance of nuts rushed forward with heat: "Did you add a rose? I smell it."

"The secret weapon was exposed so quickly, so disappointed. "The exaggerated expression makes people unbearable to laugh.

There is nothing to say about this person's appearance, tall and straight, and although his character is carefree and impulsive, he is not annoying. If it weren't for the age difference, he might be a good candidate for a stepfather, but it's a pity. Xing Hao thanked him and returned to the clinic with the idea of ​​quickly finding a good person in his mind. Now he is still moving freely, and when he is inconvenient for seven or eight months, he must have someone to accompany him.

But with such a heavy burden, can he really find good-hearted people who are willing to stay with him in the country and raise children?

As soon as he thought about things, Xing Hao forgot about Doudou lying and asking for burn medicine. In addition, two patients came at night, and they were busy until midnight, and there was no time to think about other things. When he remembered this, they were both It's the Queen of Heaven. It is not a big deal to waste some ointment. As a doctor, what he is most worried about is that the patient has not handled the wound properly, leading to purulent infection and other follow-up problems.

And lying is a very bad behavior and must be corrected!

So he called his son and decided to have a serious conversation: "Why do you want to lie to Dad?"

"Doudou hasn't." His eyes were erratic and he said no.

"Xing Yongping." Xing Hao is a kind father, but he never compromises on the education of right and wrong, so he called his son's name by his first name and his last name, hoping that he would know the seriousness of the matter: "Do you remember me? I told you that it doesn't matter if you do something wrong, you just need to correct it, but you have to be brave to take it. You are a man, you must be responsible, you must not make excuses, and you must not lie."

"Dad, oh..." Seriously, the tone is not harsh, but Doudou is only six years old, and has weak mental capacity. After being taught a few words, she was very aggrieved. Tears fell down: "Doudou is wrong, Doudou didn't mean it. , Because that person is very pitiful...Dad don't be angry, don't dare anymore..."

"Okay, dear, tell me why I need burn medicine?" When the son cried, Xing Hao felt uncomfortable in his heart, and hugged the child quickly. On the lap, patiently asked him the reason.

It turned out that when Doudou came back from the city that day, Doudou was boring, so he went to the riverside to fish for shrimp with his neighbors, but met a tramp with burns on his face. The man was dressed in tatters, with another wound, and looked pitiful. Dou Dou wanted to take him back to the clinic to see a doctor, but the man seemed to be deaf and mute, unable to communicate, so he thought of going home and taking some medicine to send, and he was afraid of being taught by his father to talk to strangers and then he lie.

"Doudou has done a good thing, how can you not tell his father." Although lying is a mistake, the starting point is good. The so-called rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished. At this time, he must be praised to let him know that the right behavior is worthy of encouragement.

"Really? Dad isn't angry anymore?" Doudou rubbed his eyes and burst into laughter.

"Of course not to be angry. My baby is so sensible and kind, which is the pride of my father. I didn't know the specific situation just now. I misunderstood Doudou. Now I apologize to you." He took his son and kissed. Xing Hao Go to the kitchen happily and treat the newly acquired camellia as a reward: "Uncle Xiao Lin newly developed rose-flavored camellia, do you want to eat it?"

"Yes!" The little guy raised his hands in approval.

The hot boiling water rushed down, and the sweet scent of roses immediately poured into the nasal cavity, stimulating life.

"It's delicious." Doudou drank upright before returning the empty bowl to Xing hao: "Dad, let's go to the river and see if that person is good, so I'm afraid he will die."

There is really no need for strangers . Care, but Doudou's bright eyes have no trace of impurities. Everything he did is so pure and worthy of praise. Xing Hao could not refuse, and would not refuse, because this is a beautiful quality and should not be obliterated. So he took his son's little hand, the father and son talked and laughed, and walked towards the river.

The Dusk River at dusk is beautiful, the setting sun is on the other side of the horizon, and it is gradually submerged in the rolling mountains, leaving only the red clouds on the horizon, quiet enough to wash away the dirt of the internal organs.

"Dad, shrimps!" The waters of the scorpions belong to the tributary of the Beipan River. In this area, the river valleys are wide, the water flow is gentle, the aquatic plants are plump and abundant, and there are a lot of freshwater prawns growing in the shallow waters. They are delicious and easy to fish. They are Doudou's favorite. One of the food. At this time, the little guy stared at the hordes of shrimps in the water, drooling, and slapped his mouth: "I really want to eat."

"Today is too late. Tomorrow we will buy them on the street and come back to make fried shrimps for you." With the back of the head covered by soft hair, Xing Hao who is not good at fishing can only go to the market to buy ready-made ones.

"Well, it smells." As he said, the wind changed its direction, and an inexplicable strange smell mixed with sour smell came toward him.

Xing Hao is very familiar with this kind of smell. During the internship, he dealt with rotten tissues. This is the smell of rotten meat!

"Doudou, go to Uncle Xiaolin and ask him to find some people to help me, just saying that there is a seriously injured person here. Also, don't come when you go back, and wait for Dad at home." Worried that the tramp is dead. He couldn't let his children see this kind of scene. The father carefully arranged for his son to go home, only to follow the smell to find a man with a high fever in the grass on the riverbank.

"How could it be hurt like this." Xing Hao quickly squatted down, let the curled wounded lie flat, and began to check: "It's useless to me for such a serious injury. I have to go to the hospital for first aid."

Maybe it was because someone was approaching. , The tramp gradually opened his eyes. When he saw Xing Hao, his eyes seemed to shine like some light, and he tightly grasped his wrist, his mouth opened and opened, and he said something silently, there were tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I will send you to the hospital now and I will be better." This person has a large area of ​​burns from the neck and chest, some areas are scabs, and there are not many decayed parts. It is only because the weather is too hot that the smell becomes so unpleasant. Compared with other large and small wounds, the most worrying thing is that the fever will not go away.

However, hearing the word hospital, the tramp desperately shook his head, struggled to get up, and pleaded with his hands folded.

Maybe because of the cost, Xing Hao was good at guessing. Indeed, this person looks penniless, otherwise he would not fall to this point: "Well, then don't go to the hospital. I opened a clinic in the town. If you think it's okay, just leave it to me. I am. I will try my best to treat you, don't worry about the cost, don't charge money."

Seeing that he decided to be admitted, the homeless man finally showed a relieved expression, and then exhausted his energy, and fainted in Xing Hao's arms.

"Hey, is he okay." After a while, Xiaolin brought two buddies to come, yelling a few meters away.

Later, under Xing Hao's command, several people worked together to carry the injured to the clinic. During the rescue, Doudou kept hiding at the corner of the stairs and peeking. I don't know why, no matter what the smell of this man is, or the scars on his face, none of them frightened him. He only thinks that the person is very familiar and close. As for why, the little head can't figure out why...


The author has something to say:

So what, a girl asked me why a big man is called Ya, in fact, they look carefully. , Although it is very similar, but this one is next to the horse character, not the elegant character. 骓 (zhuī, the same as chasing sound) is a blue-white variegated horse, which also means a famous horse. Be evil, horses are for people to ride, and Xingzheng is for Xiao Gong.

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