Chaptet Eighteen- Heart of the Matter

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"Thank god, you're all okay." Caitlin said.

"We managed to save the reactor, but it looks like round two is about to begin." Jay said as we all looked at the satellite imaging that was tracking the Speedsters.

"And this time there's no Speed Force or the S.E.E." Iris said.

"We threw everything we had at them." Nora said.

"What are we going to do." Bart asked sounding scared. "Dad?"

"Chester, how long would it take to rebuild the S.E.E?" Barry asked walking up to Chester.

"Four or five weeks, maybe?" He said disappointed.

"How come the tech thingy affected the clones and not us?" Bart asked him.

"Well, you're all organic speedsters, except Lukas, I had to make some minor adjustments for that to target artificial cell membranes." He said.

"Making it ineffective against us." Jay said.

"Mostly." I reminded everyone as I held an icepack against my head.

"What's the icepack for? Those doesn't help headaches? Nora asked rolling her eyes.

The S.E.E had affected me just not in the way it affected the Godspeeds. It gave me a massive migraine though.

"Dramatic affect." I said shrugging.

"Dad, mom. I know you both wanna keep the future safe, but if we don't stop this right now, there won't be a future to save. Please can you just consider giving Heart organic speed?" Nora said to her parents.

"Nora, I know that seems like the answer but we are your parents. It's our job to protect you." Barry said.

Bart nodded. "Maybe so. But Central City doesn't need parents right now. Dad, it needs heroes."

Lightning flashed around the room as Jay, Nora, Bart, and I got to repairing the S.E.E as fast as we could in an attempt to cut down the repair time of the machine.

"Whoa, you guys are stellar." Chester said turning away from his computer.

"Thank you. What did we just do?" Bart said to him.

"Oh, you saved me at least three weeks in the proverbial salt mines of science." Chester replied. "At this rate, the S.E.E could be up and running in a day or two."

"A day or two?" Jay asked.

"Chuck, we don't have that kind of time." I said to him as I saw the disappointed look on the others faces.

"Isn't there some way we can speed that up a little?" Jay asked.

"There is, but mom and dad won't change their minds." Nora said annoyed.

Footsteps echoed through the hallway and into the room. "We already did." Barry said.

"We're gonna give Heart organic speed."

"Yeah, okay." Bart said sarcastically. "Oh, you're not kidding."

"Wait, where's mom?" Nora asked.

"She's still with the Speed Force. They're both helping too."

"What changed your mind?" Jay asked.

"My kids." Barry said. "When I realized their future starts right now."

We stood in the speed track room as we watched in suspense as Barry slowly gave Heart organic speed.

Cecile and Jay explained what was going to happen as I stood next to Nora and Bart while Thea, Caitlin, and Chuck waited in the cortex.

Jay and Cecile both returned to us.

"Are you okay?" Nora asked Bart.

Bart folded his arms and nodded. "If dad is right, and we're actually creating the future by doing this.. everything will be different from now on. Jay will never die by his hand, and he won't be around to team up with Quantum." He said to Nora as her face was immediately swallowed by sadness at whatever she had been hiding.

Barry transferred speed force energy and we watched before our eyes as his speed went from orange to white as he screamed.

"August, no!" Cecile yelled.

"Sorry, Cecile. Turns out I like being the bad guy." He said to her as he dispersed himself from the building.

Barry ran to where we stood. "Whatever happens, stay here."

"What?" Bart asked.

"No." I said to him.

"Absolutely not." Nora replied.

"Your mother and I have a plan." He said before disappearing in a flash.

Whatever was going on up top of S.T.A.R Labs we had no idea until the screens popped up showing the fight as the two sped through downtown Central City before he was defeated.

We watched as Godspeed stood over Barry.

"Dad!" Bart yelled and headed for the door.

Nora started to follow but I grabbed her arm and shook my head.

"Bart!" Jay yelled.

"I know what I said, I know what I said. But this is different. This is different." Bart rambled in fear. "I'm not going to let Heart kill anyone that I care for. Not now. Not ever." Bart said to him.

"I believe you, son. Now we just met. You got no reason to listen to me. But we both know Barry, right? And if he says to stand down no matter what, he has a reason." Jay said.

Bart went to argue but Jay put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's time to take our hats off, okay?" Jay said to him as Bart started to cry.

Godspeed rose a hand full of electricity and began to leech his speed. He was ultimately stopped by a speeding flash of red entering the scene.

"No." Nora said.

"Is that?" I asked.

"Thawne?" Chester asked taking a seat at the computer next to us as he was followed into the room with Thea and Caitlin.

"It sure as hell is." Cecile said said.

I felt Nora tremble with fear as I still hadn't let go of her arm. She hadn't mad a move to remove it either.

Thawne helped Barry to his feet and they had a little discussion before they sped in front of Godspeed who also had a little discussion.

Godspeed rose his hand as he summoned a bolt of lighting turning it into a sword of white lightning.

Thawne and Barry did the same. One orange, one red and together the three battled it out two versus one.

"Seriously, they're all speedsters and they choose to roleplay Star War?" I asked only earning one quiet laugh from Chester everyone else was too focused in on the surveillance to hear me.

Godspeed had defeated Barry and turned to face Thawne as Godspeed was stabbed through the chest by the Reverse Flash.

Barry yelled at Thawne.

Even though Thawne had killed Heart I saw a glimmer of hope in Bart's and Nora's eyes.

Barry and Thawne had another discussion and Thawne attacked Barry who easily dodged his attack thanks to Speed Force power up and sent the Reverse Flash flying.

Thawne got up angrily before talking to Barry. They had a little spat before Thawne disappeared into the night.

I let go of my breath I didn't realize I had been holding as cheers echoed from the group.

We did it.

But at what cost?

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