Chapter 1 : Inside The Cave

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The island is just as sunny as usual! There's no attack from Eggman lately since the last time I saw him when he said he need to travel the world to find more powerful parts for his robots. Pfft, as if any of his robots could defeat me. All of his creations are super breakable so he's actually just wasting time looking around for those 'powerful' parts!

My friends are kinda busy doing their own things right now, so I decided to hang around the desert area of the island. It's a great place to have a run rather than the forest! Also, the place has huge cliffs and boulders, just the perfect obstacle for me to practice my dodging skills while running!

After a few minutes, I decided to take a break and sit at the edge and the top of the cliff. I could see the village from up here amd a whole scenery of the sea, it's so beautiful. The only thing that ruins it is Eggman's lair that's on the way of the full view of the ocean.

Suddenly from the bottom of the cliff, my ears perked when there's this familiar sound of someone running through the sandy road. I gazed down and saw a red blur dashing very quickly. It's Shadow!

It's very rare to spot a sight of that hedgehog, he's always hiding from us for some reason. Why is he out here? He doesn't go to the village that often other than trying to take me and my friends down. You know what? Maybe he have a secret life. I bet he's hiding something from the rest of us, even from Eggman!

I got up and ran down the cliff. I need to catch up before I lose sight of him, not that I'm not fast enough to beat him but you know how Shadow has always been hiding and how he's really hard to find. I spot him going inside some sort of cave, I stopped just behind a boulder so I could spy on him. Isn't he going to come back out? And why the heck is there a gloomy cave out here?

Well, curiosity got me. I'm going in!

I carefully stand right at the cave's entrance. Now that I've seen the inside, it's not actually that dark. There's this purple and pink crystals shining the cave, it's not that bright it's just dim. I walk inside and look around, it's actually kind of pretty with the shiny crystals.

I got deeper into the cave and I finally heard something. I approach the sound slowly and carefully, I hide myself behind the wall of the cave and peek a little. There he is! That's Shadow! What is he doing in here?

"Chao chao!"

"Don't touch me. Hurry up and eat it"

I blink confusingly. What the heck is that thing? It's blue and small and its head looks like in the shape of a dumpling. How did Shadow even find a creature like that?


The thing flew toward Shadow and rest itself on his lap. Shadow sighed and pat its head. It surprise me so much how he can be so gentle with that creature, is it his secret pet or something? Whatever it is it seems pretty harmless and Shadow seems to be taking good care of it. I smiled knowing there's a good side in him and decided to reveal myself from my hiding spot.

"Hey Shadow!"

He look really surprised and quickly stand up on his feet. The creature flew and hide behind him.

"How did you find me here, hedgehog?" he asked menacingly.

"Dude relax, I'm not here to pick a fight" I chuckled and put my hands up "I followed you here"

"Get away, right now" he growled.

Ugh he's always like this. Can't he tell that I'm just trying to be friends with him? I'm being super nice towards him right now!

"Come on, I wanna know what that thing is behind your back. Does it have a name?"

"You have no business to be this close with me, Sonic, go now or I'll make you"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Let me stay, please? I won't tell anyone about this place if you let me stay!" I begged but he only facepalm at me.

"I swear I'm gonna..." he mumbled before sighing and looking at me "fine...but if someone does find this place I'm gonna put the blame on you because you're more careless than me" he growled again and I scoffed.

"Oh please, you didn't even notice that I followed you here. Don't worry!" I smiled and approach him "so who is that little pal?"

"I don't actually know what this creature is...but he keeps repeating 'chao' whenever he talks so I call him Chao" Shadow grab the Chao and hold it in front of me.

"Aww it's okay buddy, I'm a friendly hedgehog just like Shadow!" I smiled as Shadow rolled his eyes.

I pat Chao's head and it giggled happily. This creature is adorable as heck! It's not fair that Shadow gets to keep it to himself! Boy if Amy is here she'd freak out.

"How long have you been taking care of him, Shadow?"

"For months...I don't know I didn't count but it's been quite long"

"You must really like him! Can I maybe help you caring for it?" I asked enthusiastically but he give out a disgusted look at me.

"No thanks" he said bluntly.

"Aw come on! Please? As soon as I know you care for this thing you seem to have a very good side in you! That made me really want to help"

Shadow groaned and fold his arms in annoyance "alright, you can help"


I asked him about what Chao eat, he said it can be any fruit but it especially likes pear. He also told me about the habit of the creature and what time he usually goes to sleep. It seems like Shadow have been with Chao for a long time to know all these stuff! It's almost kinda cute if I think more about it.

I stay over for a few hours and play with Chao. This creature is so energetic! He tried to pull Shadow's arm to ask him to play with us but he refused. Seriously, how come Chao can even like him? He's so grumpy. But hey, he finally gave up and decided to join our play time! Though he's not that active but it's okay!

"Hey Shadow, why don't we change his name?"

"Why?" He questioned.

"Naming him Chao because he keep saying 'chao' is like naming a cat Meow and it's kinda weird" I chuckled "how about Dumpling?"

"Seriously? That's the best name you can come up with?" He asked.

"Look at his head! It's literally shaped like a dumpling!" I exclaim and hold the creature close to me.

Shadow sighed and nodded his head "fine, whatever I guess" he said.

Yeah, Dumpling! Such a cute little flying creature. We continue to play around until Dumpling is finally tired. It turns out that Shadow had already made some sort of nest for him to rest so I carefully put Dumpling there and let it sleep. After we make sure that Dumpling is okay, we walk away and exit the cave.

"That was really fun, Shadow. You know, you're actually not so evil. You're just grumpy and like to be alone" I chuckled and playfully punch his arm.

"Don't touch me. Also, I never said I'm evil, you just look at me that way just because I despise you for matching my power" he grumbled.

"Aww you admit that our power match"

"Get off me, hedgehog" he grumbled again when I hug his arm.

"Hahaha! Well, see you tomorrow Shadow! Can't wait to hang around with Dumpling again!" I smiled as I run my way back home.

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