CHAPTER 38: Getting Caught! Part 5

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Finn and Kylie start to leave. Then Mr. Bethel crosses his arms. "Wait a minute. You two aren't leaving. I need to know why you thought it'd be a good idea to sneak in here and try to do it on a teacher's desk." Finn and Kylie flinch. They know he's the young hip teacher, but they'd never expected him to say that. Or to be in this situation with him. It may be less awkward if it was another teacher, a teacher they hate. Because they wouldn't have to worry about that teacher looking down on them because it wouldn't matter as much. But the awesome Math and Spanish teacher everyone loves, now they will have to face him every day with shame and embarrassment. 

Mr. Bethel looks at Finn and Kylie, who is standing in the doorway. "I think drama practice is about to start." Finn says. Mr. Bethel shrugs. "I texted your teacher and told her you two were helping me with something." Kylie looks down at her converse. "We came in here to make out." She says as she puts her hands in the pockets of her skirt. "We've liked each other for a long time. Matt also likes me and he kissed me again today." She says annoyed. "That asshole." Finn mumbles. Mr. Bethel looks at him concerned. But Kylie just sighs and ignores him. "Finn saw and Finn and I talked. I told him I was truly falling in love with him. And I was over my ex-boyfriend, Jacob completely." Kylie says embarrassed and lying about the love triangle part. Mr. Bethel looks at Finn. "And you brought her in here?" He asks. Finn nods yes. Kylie sees him and immediately speaks up. "Finn stop. He didn't. I asked him if he wanted to come in here." She faces Finn. "Even though I didn't know that's what you that I meant, by coming in here;I still shouldn't have let it go that far. It's not me." Kylie admits. Finn shakes his head. "I thought you knew what was going to happen and I thought you wanted it." Finn shakes his head feeling ashamed. "I shouldn't have let it go that far no matter what I thought. I shouldn't have....."

"Okay. That's enough. I don't need to hear anymore. I've already heard and seen enough for one day. I won't let the other teachers know if you both serve 4 days at the Human Society and go to 4 meetings. And promise me to never be caught like this again. I don't want you guys to get in any more trouble. I know you both are responsible." Mr. Bethel sighs, feeling like he should tell the principal. But it's not school hours so he can't bother Mr. Sanders and they are still are on school property so he has to do something. Finn and Kylie nodded in agreement with what Mr. Bethel said. Finn grunts. Kylie looks at him confused. He rolls his eyes. "There is a big Flee infestation going around the Human Society. That's why he chose that and not another place." Finn looks at Mr. Bethel and shakes his head and smirks. "I reckon that's why. You kids have fun." Mr. Bethel chuckles.

Kylie looks at Finn. "So what meetings?" She asks curiously. Mr.Bethel looks at Finn. "I'm sure Finn could tell you about them." Kylie cocks her head. "Huh? What are they Finn?" She asks. Finn looks at Mr. Bethel. "Can we have a minute?" Mr. Bethel laughs. "Are you kidding? I'm not leaving you two alone. Either you tell her now or she shows up tonight unaware of what she's going to. I'm sure you don't want to tell her in front of everyone in the Drama Club." Finn shakes his head. "No. But It's too soon to tell her now." He begs. "Finn. Just tell me. It can't be that bad. There's something I need to tell you eventually. I probably should have told you before we came into this room. Cause I had a feeling you thought something was going to happen." She leans on toward him so Mr. Bethel can't hear. "I felt a condom in your pocket." She leans back and her face flushed.

Mr. Bethel looks at Finn. "Finn. I heard her." Kylie's face whitens. Mr. Bethel looks sternly at Finn. "I thought you were doing good Finn. I thought you made a promise?" He asks. Finn looks defeated. He smacks the desk Kylie is sitting, causing her to jump, Finn looks at her, frowning. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Finn takes her hands. "This meeting. It's a meeting for a club. It's... It's called The Celibacy Club." A lump forms in his throat. "I shouldn't have said yes to coming in here. And I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He says nervously and relieved he let it all out.

Kylie looks at Finn surprised. She squeezes his hands and grins widely. Finn flinches, not expecting that reaction from her. "You're not freaked out? You don't think it's weird. I mean I know you are religious. But I thought you and Jacob..." Finn trails off. Kylie shakes her head. Tears roll down her eyes. "I'm not freaked. I'm..." Kylie looks at Mr. Bethel, who is trying not to look at them. He nods awkwardly. Kylie lowers her voice. "I'm a virgin too. That's why I shouldn't have brought you in here. And that's why I wasn't phased when Damien called me a tease. Because I can be a tease sometimes. Sometimes it's hard staying pure. I just hated when Matt called me one when he initiates it. And coming from him it just hurt more." Kylie explains. Finn looks at her relieved and grins widely. "I'm happy to hear you are staying pure. And It's true about Matt." Finn nudges her. "God really did bless me with you!" He smiles happily.

Mr. Bethel looks at Finn. "I told you it'd work out if you told her." Finn looks at him. "How did you know?" Mr. Barthel says. "Because if she really likes you then a Celibacy Club shouldn't push her away." Mr. Bethel smiles at them both and shrugs mischievously. "And her file from her old school, says she was in her school Celibacy Club for a short time before she started Bible Study and helping out at the Mission." Mr. Bethel tells Finn. Kylie shrinks her shoulders and looks down at her converse. Finn looks at her and smiles. "I knew you were amazing. But I didn't know how much. You truly are one of a kind." Then Finn leans closer to her and whispers. "Sometimes you are a tease." Kylie opens her mouth offended. Then she shrugs. Finn looks at Kylie. "But sometimes, I don't think you realize it." Kylie sighs.

"Okay, kids. Get to Drama Practice. According to Mrs. Darbus; Kylie's understudy hasn't even seen The Little Mermaid. So she doesn't know ANY of her lines." Mr. Bethel informs them. Finn laughs. "That's insane!" Kylie exclaims. "Why did she get cast?" Kylie asks. Finn looks at her sheepishly. "Maybe because she thought for sure I'd get Prince Eric." He says. Kylie sighs, finally understanding how he probably feels when Matt flirts with her. She also realizes that she has to see Lucas for the first time in 4 years!

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