YOU: 1

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Salutations. That should have been the first red flag of many, but sometimes you just don't realize it until it's too late.

It's been a crazy night to say the least. Marion had shot Estelline in the chest after breaking in-trapping you with him. This was the first time you've ever seen Marion, but it isn't the first time he's seen you.

Marion is tall, and has pasty white skin. He sports dark messy hair that, if slicked back, would make him quite handsome. He wasn't incredibly attractive, just a slightly cute yet extremely unhinged stalker freak.

You begin to scream when you see Estelline's unmoving body, but Marion jumps on you and clamps your mouth shut. He assures you that she's still alive. "I know what this looks like but she's still alive I promise!" He cries, gripping onto you like you were the last PS5 at a Black Friday Sale.

You tug out of his grip and try to bolt for the door but Marion grabs the hem of your shirt. You're extremely aware of the highly dangerous gun he holds in his other hand.

"Don't run away from me!" He hissed. His face was dangerously close to yours. "You can't run from a bullet."

"You wouldn't shoot me." At least, you don't think he would.

"Mmm,," Marion bent down to your level, "You seem so confident about that sweetheart, would you like to test your theory?" His eyes flickered with malice.

You hesitate for a moment too long, and he smiles knowingly.

"I was joking, I'm not going to hurt you." He chuckles.

"Yeah, well, you're jokes suck ass dude." You whisper fearfully.

Marion grins and pulls you into his arms, making you want to gag. Just punch him in the balls already, you think. But you were too scared to.

"I'm sorry that you had to see this, really I am. But now there's no going back, now is there? You must be so tired with all these.. ahem.. 'set backs'." He giggles.

"But I think I could make it up to you right? After we start living together, you won't have to worry about anymore of this uh, bloodshed nonsense, okay?"

You hear a gasp from behind Marion. Estelline! You catch a glimpse of her shaking on the floor. Estelline is alive, but for how long?

"Wait..." you whisper. He pulls away and gazes into your eyes. "Yes, my dear?" You finally notice the speckles of blood all over his face just as you spoke. "What if...what if I said no?"


"Well want if, uh I mean, um, w-what if-"

"You're stuttering, dear."

You're getting really nervous. You OBVIOUSLY don't want to be with Marion- (really, who would?) -but you also don't want to get killed. Plus there's Estelline who's literally dying on the floor infront of your face, so saving her is a pretty big priority right now. But what do you do? What do you say? You've never been in this kind of situation before!

You just want to go home safe and sound, cuddle up with your cat, and have a nice long nap infront of a bonfire full of the letters Marion sent you.

That idea was far more romantic than whatever this is.

If only you'd never responded to those love letters.

How could you have know that this would have happened? You just went to your mailbox one day and there it was, the first love letter was laying right there on top of your mailbox. The idea of a secret admirer was exciting to you; you were flattered by the thought of someone wanting you so much. It was enthralling.
Little did you know that this innocent he has "crush" on you was so much more than that.

You made a lot of dumb decisions in the past, like for example, not giving the letters to the police. Maybe it didn't work for Estelline, but maybe the cops would have listened to you? Maybe you could have prevented this. You could have locked Marion away for good.

But no. It wasn't meant to be, now was it?
Now you have to fix this.

"I'll.. I'll go with you. Willingly."

"I knew you'd come aroun-"

"-BUT I have conditions." You interjected. What you are doing is risky, and it possibly won't work in your favor. However, someone's life is in your hands now. You have to play your cards right.

Marion sighed and backed away from you slightly. It pained him to do that, you can tell, but you pretend not to notice. "What conditions?" He asked. Marion is willing to do almost anything to make you love him. Key word: Almost.

"First, I'll need you to promise not to hurt Estelline."

Marion's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure if I can do that. This.. girl isn't you friend."

"I don't care, she's still a person Marion."

This is the first time you've ever said his name in Marion's presence. His eyes widened, cheeks flushing into a deep crimson color. "Y-you-" He stopped mid sentence and composed himself. "Alright sweetheart, I won't hurt her. Not now, that is."


"No buts." He sounds serious.

You shift uncomfortably in your spot.

"My second condition is that my cat comes with me."

"Oh most definitely," Marion agrees. That was easy.

"And finally," you say with hesitation,"do  NOT touch me. No hugging, kissing, rubbing, caressing, none of that freaky bullshit."

Marion's eyes darken."No. I can't accept that." He steps close to you and pushes you against the wall, one arm next to your face, blocking a potential escape, and the other pushed under your chin. You gasp in surprise. KICK HIM IN THE BALLS, your brain screamed to your legs. But you still can't move.

Marion pulls his face close to yours. His lips were inches away from yours. You noticed small flecks of gold in his eyes. "Don't get cocky, my love. You're still mine. And as much as I love your assertiveness and overall confidence in our situation, this isn't the right time to be bossing me around." His voice is dripping with not only malevolence, but sensuality. Oh god your legs feel weak.

"Now, is that all your conditions?" That wasn't a question. That was a threat to dig a deeper hole for yourself than you already have.

"Nope, nope no more conditions!" You squeak. Marion smiled and curled his fingers around your soft face.

"Good." He purrs. He lifts himself off of you, and walks over to Estelline. He slings her petite body over his shoulder and quietly grabs your hand. You resist the urge to pull away.

You both walk out the door into the humid summer night. There was nobody in sight, just want you assume to be Marion's car. You notice a house a few houses down. There was light seeping from the window, and the porch light was still on. The people inside must still be awake.

You look at Marion who is busy loading Estelline's body into the trunk. It's now or never. Then, before you can even think properly, you book it to the house. You sprint faster than you have since..well.. ever. You're not very athletic anymore.


You almost reach the porch of the door when something stabs you in the neck. You stop cold in your tracks and slowly pull whatever is in your neck. It's a motherfacking tranquilizer dart.

"Oh mothertruck-"

You are only able to whisper that much until you splat face first onto the concrete, and pass out.

The last thing you see is Marion walking towards you.

LOVE LETTERS: RED INKWhere stories live. Discover now