The Prologue

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United States Of America, Boston, Massachusetts.
Stellaris And Mass Effect Belongs To Paradox And Bioware Respectively

The streets of Boston were unusually quite this evening, an almost revered rarity this part of the states, only the faint sounds of sirens and the fleeting whirrs of cars served to enforce the trope that the US was noisy, even at night. It was even quiter in it's skyline, whose airspace was barren of any helicopters, or the glowing wings of a passenger plane, only the miniscule dots that passed as stars. Despite it being a weekend, the city was still as bright as a christmas tree, some even went out to take pictures of the fragrant lights of the popular city. The various builidings and edifices on the english city no doubt promoted a sense of awe in the viewer, especially one from a rural area. It was no wonder why many movies were often started here. It was cold, too. Winter from the frigid norths of Canada would be coming here soon, and some bystanders were already prepping their winter gear; pulling out their jackets and scarves, buying various warm foods like soup and chips, and sometimes even preparing their hunting gear. It was like it's own little world, free from the complexity of the wider picture, and only solely focused on what is now, and here. In other words, it was in a peaceful, somewhat dream-like state. In one of the many apartment blocks of Boston, it had the same sight as was in every nook and cranny of the city; lamposts shone their light down on the aging sidewalks, right next to a variety of vacant and thankfully locked cars, the occasional bystander or moving car passing by. And in one of those apartments, was a teenage boy.

He was in his early twentys, with a soft face and slim body. He had auburn-colored hair that seemed blackened due to his dim room, and hazel brown eyes that were currently intently focused on the computer in front of him. He wore a form-hugging green sweater and black trousers, which was currently folded together in an X motion. This combination of features, along with his chiseled face, make for a sufficiently handsome man, one advantage he hadn't hesitated to boast whenever he meets someone new and trustworthy. Like his friends for example. Graham Blackwell sighed exasperatedly as his friend's colossus cracked the final planet of his new most hated species, the Prethoryn Scourge, his own empire's escorts flanking the gargantuan spaceship. There was truly too much work in the galaxy to be done. Not only was he dealing with Determined Exterminators with Star-Killers, a loose confederation of empires' that want nothing more than his leader's guts, an Orc Horde headed by an exceptional Khan, and most importantly the manifestation of the psychic will of most of humanity that coalesced into a hostile Shroud Avatar after what was probably his most greatest decision yet in his 4 years of gaming, but an engame crisis right after he dealt with the last materialist alien precursor. All in all, this was another normal day in the Zerion Empire, his custom-made empire in modded Stellaris who was fighting what seemed like a hopeless and eternal war, a vibe he accidentally wanted to make in his gaming sessions.

The Zerion Empire was a successor state to the Imperium of Man, the original Terran polity before the fatal deal with the End of the Cycle. Headed by Gaius Dae Zerion and his spouse Juno Dae Zerion, they reclaimed the majority of lost human territory following their reign, which was the majority of the western half of the galaxy. Juno would die shortly after finishing their goals, but Gaius lived due to his status as a Chosen One, who now refused to have any other wives assigned to him. The Civis he had chosen were Imperial Cult, Militant Zealots, and Imperialist and the Ethoses are Fanatic Spiritualist, Militarist, Xenophobe, Cooperative, and Pluralist. And they were using the Humanoid shipset. In other words, they were the watered-down version of their predescessors, but that was okay. He got the event for the Chosen One shortly after the formation of the Empire, thus rendering Gaius physically immortal, but Graham plans to subvert that. The galaxy, in contrast, was in a hectic state; the precursors were all but functional in the wake of Graham taking the deal made by the End Of The Cycle, the Galactic Community, after kicking both Graham and his friend from the club, are a pale shadow of their former self, their only territory in the southern and southeast parts from the galaxy, and even that was not safe from the X-001 Eliminator, the gestalt consciousness that wanted anything organic dead, whose starting system is in the deep south, and who was also played by one his friends.

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