Chapter 8

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It was the morning of the meeting, and I was beyond nervous, although having Mor do my hair definitely helped to calm my nerves, the feel of her fingers running though my hair grounding me.

Once she had done my hair and put some lipstick on me, she left me to talk to Az alone before we went down.

"You ready?" Azriel asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be, let's just hope my language skills are up to scratch," I sighed.

"Talk to my shadows if you are nervous, and I'll be there the whole time, remember, you don't have to speak to any of them." He reassured.

"It's not that I'm worried about, I'm afraid that someone will insult one of you and I will slip up with what language I am speaking," I admitted.

"I believe in you Ava," he said, pulling me into a hug before leading me down the stairs.

"You look stunning Ava!" Feyre complimented.

"As do you, now I should really switch languages, sorry," I told her, blushing.

"It's ok, and if you need to talk to me or Rhys, we will have a connection set up just in case," she reassured.

I nodded and told myself I was only to speak Arabic, I had to not react to English, just sit there in confused silence.

"We all ready?" Rhys asked, we all nodded.

Azriel winnowed with me first, putting up the act that I was his ward, he gave the signal to the others and they all arrived soon after.

Feyre and Rhys led the group, me and Az staying at the back.

"Helion, Thesan and Kallias," Azriel whispered to me.

I dipped my chin ever so slightly.

"Welcome," Thesan said.

He studied us all, gaze landing on me last, surprise glimmered in his eyes before he looked back to Rhys.

"Or, since you've called this meeting, perhaps you should be doing the welcoming?" He mused.

"I may have requested the meeting, Thesan, but you were the one gracious enough to offer up your beautiful residence." He easily replied.

Thesan gave a nod of thanks, and we all bowed or curtsied, apparently, I was better at the latter, so Mor told me to curtsy.

"Your home is lovely." Feyre offered as the rest of us rose.

"Kallias," Rhys said to the white-haired male.

Mor suddenly let out a squeal, running to the female at Kallias's side.

Both females hurtled for each other, and Mor's squeal had turned to a quiet sob as she flung her arms around the slender stranger and hugged her tight. The female's own arms were shaking as she gripped Mor.

Then they were laughing and crying and dancing around each other, pausing only to study each other.

"You look the same," the stranger was saying, beaming from ear to ear. "I think that's the same dress I saw you in."

"You look the same! Wearing fur in the middle of summer, how utterly typical"

"You brought the usual suspects, it seems." The female looked at Rhys, Cassian and Azriel.

"Thankfully, the company has been improved by some new arrivals." Mor waved me and Feyre over.

I looked to Azriel for permission, and he nodded at me, sending a couple of shadows on my shoulders.

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