Part 3. Processing Plant

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Narrator's POV

Both you and Enri ascend the Stairs and make it to the next floor

Y/n: Glad we made it past that gate, but did you really have to take a bone out from one of the corpses?

Enri nods

Y/n: Well I guess there really were no other options

You both continued on, you then notice something on the Ground

Y/n: What's this?

It was a paper with writing on it

Y/n: It says "Password: terhouse" It's some kind of Password, I wonder what it's for

Enri just shrugged

Y/n: I guess I'll keep it for now

You stored the Paper for later

Y/n: Let's keep going

Enri nods

You both continue down a hallway and enter through another doorway leading into another hallway with more corpses and blood

Y/n: Jeez, this place is just filled with Decomposing corpses and Pools of Blood, Just what in the World is doing all of this?

You both continue on until you reach a new room that had paths that went in different directions, and a huge Metal Shutter seemed to be blocking the Path, you look around the room and see a sign

Y/n: Hey Enri, Check this out

You both look at a sign which read "Processing Plant No.2 -West"

Y/n: What the Hell? This place is a Processing Plant?

This sickened you but you shook it off

Y/n: Let's keep going

The blood slowed you down but you walk up to what seemed to be a Key Holder with a button next to it

Enri walks up to the Button and presses it, in an instant the Key holder lit up and words flashed on a screen saying "Keys" With Arrows pointing to where to put the keys

Y/n: Welp, I guess we gotta find some keys, maybe then will this Metal Shutter open

Enri nodded

Y/n: Well then let's keep going

You both come across another sign where the path splits ways, the signs read " Processing Plant No.1- East" and "Processing Plant No.2- South

Y/n: Maybe we should head South First

Enri looked at you with a certain look, as if trying to say why you want to go south first

Y/n: Are you wondering why I want to go South?

Enri looks surprised that you could understand her facial expression, and you seem to catch on to that

Y/n: You're surprised huh?

Enri nods

Y/n: Well, I guess it is weird, I don't know why but I can somewhat read what you want to say by Judging your expressions, I don't know why I can, Maybe I'm used to it? But if that's the case I can't remember why I would be used to it

Enri seemed to Understand 

Y/n: So should we go South? Or do you want to go East?

Enri shook her head and Pointed South

Y/n: South it is then

You both go through the Path that lead south, only to be brought into a smaller room with something another narrower path at the end of the room

Into Purgatory (Male Human Sans Reader X Enri) Purgatory RPGWhere stories live. Discover now