Can I be a Mermaid/Vampire/Werewolf?

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Okay, Just hear me out..

Venturing across the cyber lands of Wattpad, I have come across a very peculiar trend. When I visit Yahoo! Answers and head off into the Mythology & Folklore section, the same thing occurs. Even Reddit has this occurrence in its fringe sub-forums. There is always someone--usually in their tween years-- that asks for a spell to change them into a werewolf, or mermaid, or vampire. If you make a quick search on the internet, you can easily find a spell to turn you into a creature of folklore.

Well, I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you are human. There is no proof of the existence of half-fish people nor creatures of the night that drink the blood of warm-blooded animals. A simple spell is not going to change your cell structures or heritage. It would be a different story if you were born with large fangs and the desire to run free when the moon is at her peak. However, the most concerning question is why? Why do these twelve-year-olds believe that a spell can change them into another species? These tweens are in school learning about science, math, and social studies. It could be a form of escapism, but still.

Proof of this Phenomenon:

Now, you are probably thinking, "I am sure that no one is really asking online for spells to change their appearance. I mean, that is pure silly; something for sleepovers with friends." I would like to bring your attention to these examples. My only warning is that most of these questions are saturated with poor spelling and grammar.


Yahoo! Answers Questions:

Does anyone know real spells to become a werewolf and hopefully a strong one like a alpha?

I am 13 years old and plz dint hate on me becose i am childiah im just curiose i really want to become a werewolf and u know they are real becouse j mnow a couple people that a actually wolf so plz if u know any spells or websites let me know becouse u really want to become one and plz tell me the side.

Looking for any TRUE vampire believers willing to talk to me? Feeling alone on my belief in vampires. Also can I get a spell to be one? No silly comments plz?


Are demigods real? Could I be one? I think I am, and I think that my godly parent is Athena. Why? Here are some examples of why.?

She wrote an essay about some characteristics she had that proved she was a demigod. For purposes here, I decided not to add it.

Will someone plz turn me into a vampire?


Reddit Questions:

Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually works?

I would like to know if there is any spell available to become a mermaid, one the works. I am asking people that believe in mermaids. Don't say things like "Mermaids don't exist" because I take it very seriously and I find it offensive. PLEASE HELP ME FIND A SPELL!


There were more where this came from. I am not joking. Some people believe that casting a spell would actually reconfigure their phenotype. If that were true, then plastic surgery would have gone out of business a long time ago.

Now, Magick does exist. Unfortunately, pop culture has painted witchcraft as evil, immoral, or simply based from fiction. No one can make tidal waves move with their mind, nor can we change our eye color or become werewolves. All of these things are supernatural. While it's very cool, it is fiction.

In reality, doing magick is really prayer. You influence the probability of something to occur; to change the universe with your will.

Let's say that you need money to pay for rent. Maybe, the job does not pay enough--which is typical in this economy. Nethertheless, you decide to do a ritual to become a money magnet. First, you would cast a circle to set your mind in the ritual and to prevent other outside energies from messing with your working. Then, you can invoke the energies you decide to work with --the gods, the elements etc. After calling them, you could move around the circle in a clockwise manner. With focusing on your intent: imagining you are holding the money in your hands, you move. Then, you focus on the build up of energy to make the visualization to happen. After this build up, you release it into the universe. Of course, you walk widdershins and say farewell to the energies you worked with, and clean up.

Supposedly, this build up and the want of the money computes into the Universe. You influence the money to flow towards you more, and anything preventing you from getting this money on a cosmic level will be moved aside. Of course, if you didn't do everything you could to open your opportunities to get the money, or someone is holding a tight iron grip on you, the spell won't work. The spell is a catalyst, but not necessarily the causation. All the effort you put into your desire is synergistically a large influence for you to get that money.

Off from that tangent, the most concerning part of this is that these young tweens believe that they can change their species. You are who you are, and only you can change to make a better you. A 'you' that could get more sleep, eat healthier, or something else. You shape your life through your decisions. Magick is a tool you can use to make a cosmic decision. It is of your choices that shape who you are, and that is magick in of itself.

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