TBBC&M Chloe and Ashton Breakup

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♥Chloe Armel♥

"ma belleme rencontrer à notre place, j'ai quelque chose pour vous. ~A"[my beautiful, meet me at our spot, I have something for you.]

A grin broke across my face as I read the text. Ashton DeVille was a boy of wonders, he was handsome and nice and dangerous. He was also my boyfriend. We had one of those cliche romances. He chased, but I wasn't caught. We flirted, but for a while that was all. Then one day, he asked me out and I surprised us both by saying yes. He fell for me and I fell for him. Now its our anniversary and I can't wait to see what he has for me. I walked from my large house into a small woodsy area. Our spot was this little cabin in a random clearing that we had just found one day: me, Ashton and Andre.  Ashton had refrained from letting his gang use it because we decided that we liked it being ours alone. I walked up the beaten path to the door and quietly slipped the key in the lock. I opened the door and walked in the small living room/kitchen area. I heard noses coming from the bedroom and I smiled, maybe some time in front of the cute, small fireplace? I walked in the bedroom to see a mass of platinum blonde hair roll on the bed. Ashton definitely didn't have that color of hair, nor that amount of hair.


However, that was his voice. Long story short, he wasn't talking to me. He had no idea I was there. Well, at least not until I flicked on the light and leaned against the door frame, using every ounce of strength to not just run away. His eyes lifted to mine and an inescapable sadness was there, I ignored it though. The fake blonde was smirking at me, with only a sheet on, as if she knew I would walk in. Maybe even enjoyed the thought that I would.

"Chloe. Ma belle."[My beautiful]

"Ashton." I glared at him then flicked my eyes to the bimbo. "se débarrasser d'elle." [Get rid of her.]

I watched as he roughly grabbed her arm and shoved her past me. I also saw how her mouth twitched into a sly smile, as she saw the annoyance and hurt on my face. I saw him slip some clothes on, and I heard the blonde laugh behind me as she went to the living room.

"Vous m'avez envoyé un texto.."[You texted me..] I finally got out. Him cheating with some blonde, hurtful. I thought he was smarter than to text me, however.

"No, I didn't!" His eyes were wide and it seems he was so shocked by that one statement that he didn't use french. I just put the message on the screen and showed it to him. I watched his eyes scan the screen in confusion, but I was back to the whole cheating on me thing, so his confusion was to be ignored.

"I sent the message. Ashton, I couldn't let you keep doing that to Chloe. She just isn't meant to go through that." A voice echoed behind me. Andre. Ashton's eyes flickered angrily to Andre and I saw  his blue eyes turn dark and icy. They were murderous even. 

"vous m'avez mis en place."[You set me up.]

"Vous avez placé des paris sur Chloé!"[You placed bets on Chloe!]

My eyes were huge by now as I saw the guilt cross those blue eyes I had fallen I love with.

"You... You did what?" The blonde started laughing obnoxiously and smirked at me as she walked into the room to get her clothes.

"Oh, sweetheart, you didn't think he actually cared about you, right? I mean, he is Ashton DeVille. They don't just hand those reputations out. You silly bitch, of course he doesn't love you." The bimbo winked at me as if to reiterate how silly I was.

"Even if I am silly, at least I'm not a cheap whore. Now leave." Her eyes widened in rage and she stomped past me and out the front door. Then I turned my attention to the two boys who were silently glaring at each other with pure hatred. "I don't even think I care anymore. I hope to never see either of you again."

"Chloe, ma belle. It is not how it seems. Je t'aime." Ashton called out as I turned to the door.

"You made bets on my feelings. You tricked me. Then you cheated on me with some cheap slut! I don't care about your excuses Ashton! I'm leaving!"

"Chloe..." I turned to Andre, his dark eyes churning with different emotions.

"No. I now hate both of you. Andre, you knew. You let it happen. I can't forgive that." I angrily slipped the key to the cabin off of my key ring and dropped it unceremoniously to the ground. 

"Au revoir."[Goodbye.] I walked back to my house with tears streaming down my face, and I never did look back.


A One shot in Chloe's POV (I'm writing one from Ashton's POV!) This is from The Bad Boy, Cupid and Me by SlimShady. It's pretty much amazing. So all those characters were hers, minus... sorta.. the cheap blonde xD I'm writing one for Allie/Dennis' date as well, although I need to find all the right physical descriptions for a few people before I can finish that. However, it's hard to find any description of Dennis! Odd... ALSO. Excuse my French (hehehehe) but seriously, all I know is like Au revoir and Je t'aime sooo it's all google! Woo hoo!

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