Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Sitting on the roof of Alison's house, waiting for her to go up to her room, Scott thought about the changes that have occurred in her life.

Lately, everything seemed to be working out around him. Admittedly, he was still a werewolf, but he was getting better and better at master's control, crises having become a bad memory. He no longer spoke to Derek, avoided him as much as possible, and Derek seemed to have understood that he no longer wanted to see him since he did not approach him either. He always resented him for having destroyed his only chance of becoming a normal teenager again by favoring his thirst for power. He knew very well that the only reason why he did this was the desire to become stronger, to become the new pack leader. Pack of which Scott refused to be a part. His relationship with Alison was going well, his father understood that it was not by prohibiting him from seeing her that he would break their couple. He had reiterated his threats: at the slightest drop of bloodshed, he would kill him.

Alison was also changing. He suspected that she was now following the family path. She was certainly training to become a hunter too. They didn't talk about it. This subject had gradually become taboo. Scott often thought that they were in fact only a replica of Romeo and Juliet, each in a camp that hated and killed members of the other faction. But the girl had taken a lot of assurance. In addition, some clues showed her that she was really training: combat outfits, abrasions, bruises.

The full moon was approaching and with it its share of disadvantages. Scott became irritable, constantly changed his mood and was more aggressive than usual, he knew it, he was fully aware of it and tried to curb his anger. He now knew not to give in to the wolf and keep human form, but his character remained changed during this period.

- Scott?

With a leap he went down. Finally, she was there. But he quickly noticed that something was wrong. Usually, his father did not participate in any way in their night meetings. His presence meant only one thing: problems darkened his previously so clear horizon.

- What's going on? He then asked that a bad presentiment pressed his heart.
- It's Derek Hale. We suspect him of having transformed a human. We were patrolling the forest and we found ourselves facing him. But another wolf accompanied him. Younger, a teenager certainly. We couldn't fully see it, we just saw it. I thought it was you until Alison told us that you had spent the evening together.

So he dared. Scott had established a kind of truce with the Money. They no longer hunted them, they buried the hatchet and in exchange the wolves did not shed blood and did not transform anyone.

- I'm not aware of anything, I haven't spoken to Derek since the evening of the alpha's death.

Chris Argent probed the teenager's gaze. He didn't know if he should trust her, as often. After all, he was normally part of Derek Hale's pack. It was Alison who insisted that he tell her about it. Otherwise he would not have done so and would have already gone hunting the wolf.

- This goes against our agreement. You know what will happen to him for breaking the rules.

Without even realizing it, Scott closed up. His tense face, his yellow gaze easily indicated to Alison and Chris Argent that he liked the idea even less than they had imagined.

- Scott. He bit an innocent person, an innocent person who is now in the same situation as you. Indicated Alison, determined to share her point of view with her boyfriend.

But the latter no longer heard. His instincts had taken over the moment he imagined Derek dead. Without a word, he stepped over the window and jumped. He ran, he ran like never before with only one idea in mind, to warn Derek.

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