-The beginning-

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A rift/crack in time and space appears shaking the earth like an earthquake

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A rift/crack in time and space appears shaking the earth like an earthquake

-fades to black and open with Goku and Vegeta training just before the rift appears-

"KA ME HA ME HAAAAAAA!!!" Goku fires a Kamehameha at Vegeta "FIIIIIINAL FLASHHH" Vegeta counters it with a final flash causing the blasts of energy to collide and nearly explode before "BOOM",the rift appears in the sky causing them to both fall over from the force of it 'breaking' into the atmosphere they both look at rift in confusion just before they notice,it started to grow. It could lead to there dimension being sucked through and destroyed. They look at each other. '

-Intro limit break x survivor plays-

Flash screen of multiple universe characters such as Saitama,Genos,Naruto,Saiki k, Ichiro,Hiro,Edward,Alphonse,Shigeo,Natsu,Erza, Deku (healed,50% mastered),Bakugou and a future saiyan from the past

-Enter- Goku and Vegeta talking to Bulma along side Trunks asking him if this had something to do with his time travel "No, honestly i have no idea what this is but i would go up and check it out.You said it looked like a portal so i say you see where it sends you." Trunks says thinking what he would do "THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA,what if it leads to some dangerous place or what if they just instantly die when they touch it." Bulma practically yells at Trunks "It was just a suggestion mom!" Trunks says a bit offended "We have no time for this insolence,we have a dimension killing crack in the sky.I don't care what you say but i'm going up to that crack!" Vegeta says as he flies off at the speed of sound "Vegeta wait!",Goku yells.Following him Goku chases him down "i mean we don't know if that's what it is for sure" bulma says quietly, Goku gets to the crack with Vegeta with him then a blue lightning bolt strikes them both sucking them both into it before they can say a thing.

-Cut to Saitama's dimension as he looks at the rift-

"Genos! Come here for a sec!,"Saitama yells.As Genos comes outside "Genos what's that blue crack in the sky?'' Saitama asks pointing at the rift. "I do not know master but its generating electricity im made of metal so the electricity will most likely str-'' Both Saitama and Genos Get hit by the lighting and disappear.

-Cut to Deku's dimension as he looks at the rift with Bakugou-

They both stare at the rift in the sky, as Deku says "i think we should tell one of the teachers" "no." Bakugou interrupts " we have to learn to deal with problems ourselves I don't know or care about you but I'm checking it out," Bakugou says as Deku asks "And how are you going to get up to it?"

"Easy I'll just explode up there," he said "And then?''Bakugou gets stumped on that one "eeeeeeeexactly" Deku says Getting a bit more confident,''Bakugou then attacks him with an explosive punch to the jaw "Don't forget your damn place Deku!" Deku holds his jaw in pain "ah ow...I thought we were over this!" As they start fighting, Deku goes full cowling as he gets ready for another attack, the energy from the full cowling causes the crack to send a lightning bolt down at them sending them through the crack in time.

Dimensions Collide Season 1Where stories live. Discover now