A Gut Feeling

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It seems to take an eternity for the train to come to a full stop. A wide grin overtakes Alberto's face as he feels the ever familiar fireworks explode in his chest. He couldn't help but slightly bounce up and down in anticipation.

He always wonders how stupid he looks while he waits for his friends to get off the train. But that wonder leaves his mind in seconds. He knows what it's like to be abandoned, and now he has people who he knows will always come back to him. He's not going to let embarrassment smother the fire of the joy he gets when he reunites with Giulia and Luca.

Those two are always the last to step off the train. Probably because Luca always seems to bring his whole room in Genova back to Portorosso, all in eager anticipation to show Alberto. It's a wonder how he even carries it all.

Still bouncing on his toes, Alberto finally spots his best friends. They both stick out like a sore thumb. They walk out carrying more luggage than Alberto thought possible. He notices a scowl on Giulia's face. It's even scarier than normal. She was obviously coerced into assisting Luca with his bags. It's impossible to say no to him, at least in Alberto's experience.

Santo pecorino! Did Luca decide to bring the whole house with him this time?


Though he was still a good distance away from him, Alberto could see Luca's eyes light up. Alberto lived for the expressions Luca makes when they reunite. He never thought someone could encapsulate so much joy until he met his sea monster friend.

Luca immediately drops every bag he gripped on to, and sprints towards Alberto

"Aye, Luca!" Giulia yells. Alberto is able to catch a glimpse of the redhead dropping her bags in defeat and facepalming herself before he's met with Luca's arms around his waist. Alberto may have not reached the sea monster transition before Luca, but at least he's still beating him on height.

Alberto immediately wraps his arms around Luca and feels that ever familiar burst of emotion he loves. His heart races, seemingly faster than ever before, and tears pool in his eyes.

"Mei sei mancato tanto, Alberto," Luca trembles, tears already revealing the scales on his face.

"You say that every year," Alberto says, trying not to let his voice break.

"But this time I mean it more than ever. I've been so scared without you," Luca's grip tightens as he digs his face into Alberto's shoulder. It's amazing how going through both human and sea monster puberty did barely anything to his voice. He still holds that adorable, high pitch he had when they first met.

An ever familiar voice breaks the tension.

"Santa Mozzarella boys, am I supposed to grow 8 legs like un polipo and carry these bags myself or what?"

Alberto releases his grip on Luca and turns to see Giulia with her hands on her hips, still scowling, but this time trying to fight the urge not to smile. Her curly red hair sits atop her head in the biggest bun he's ever seen. It's unclear how any elastic can hold the amount of hair the girl carries. Alberto doubts she's cut it since the first summer they spent together. It's no wonder she wears it up all the time.

"Ah, get in here idiota" Alberto laughs as he raises an arm out to Giulia.

The three of them all assemble into a big group hug. Luca instantly breaks down into a sob. Alberto sets his gaze upon his friend and feels an ache in his chest. Luca's entire face is almost fully scales. It's not like Luca isn't ever emotional at reunions, he almost always cries, but this time it feels different to Alberto, different in a bad way.

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