Chapter 18:

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Martha gave me the keys to the apartment and with Jackson's help I got the bags upstairs and then I sat down on the couch and sighed. My head was pounding and I still just wanted to cry about what Ethan did.

"So why were you alone at the rest stop?" Jackson asked as he sat down next to me and handed me a dr pepper.

"I was trying to get away from someone." I said and opened the soda and took a sip. My stomach rumbled again and I blushed. It sucks that I barely eat anymore.

"Why don't I take you shopping? You're gonna need pots and pans and stuff like that." Jackson said as he plucked my soda from my hands and placed it on the coffee table and then grabbed my hand and gently picked me up. "God you're light."

"I know." I said and followed Jackson outside after grabbing my purse and locking the door. We walked down to his truck and laughter stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked as he looked down at me and I quickly nodded my head as a brunette walked up to us and wrapped her arms around Jackson.

"Hey, baby. I missed you." She said and kissed him. He seemed a little shocked but kissed her back and I took that moment to turn and walk to my car and I drove around town and eventually found a store and walked in.

It took a few but I found everything I needed to stock up the cupboards and fridge and everything to cook with then I paid for it and left. As I was loading up the trunk I felt someone staring at me but I ignored it and got in the driver seat. I started the car and by some miracle made it back to the diner and carried my stuff upstairs.

"Why'd you leave me?" Jackson asked from behind me I spun and pressed my hand against my chest trying to calm my heart down.

"Fuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said as I grabbed another bag and walked back upstair and put it away as Jackson walked in with the rest of my stuff and set it on the counter.

"Sorry. Now answer my question." He said as I put all the stuff away.

"You were busy locking lips with that brunette. It's not my business so I left." I said with a shrug and spun around and climbed up on the counter to put something on the top shelf but my foot slid and I felt myself falling then I landed hard against a hard chest and arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Be careful." He said and placed me down so I was sitting on the counter, but he didn't move away from me. His minty breath fanned my face and I felt myself reacting to it in a way only Ethan had made me feel before.

"I-I'm alright. Thanks." I said and glanced away and felt him lean in more and kiss my throat. "Stop Jackson."

He hummed in response and licked my throat and I couldn't help but moan in response. His hands gripped my sides and soon my shirt was on the other side of the room and his rough hands were roaming over my skin.

"I can't do this, Jackson." I whispered and even to my own ears my voice wasn't convincing at all.

"Please, Crystal. I need sex." He said and but my throat and I moaned again.

"Not with me. I've only slept with one person and he broke my heart. I'm not looking for sex." I said and shoved him away, and watched his eyes darken as I jumped down and felt my breasts bouncing inside my bra.

"But Crystal..." He started and then grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, pushing his leg between mine and grinding his thigh against my clothed pussy.

"fucking stop Jackson!" I yelled and shoved him away, which made him angry. He swung his hand up and slapped me, making me taste blood and I fell to the ground from the impact.

"You will be mine, Crystal." He said before he left and I stayed there on the floor until I heard the door slam shut and then the roar of his truck.

I got up carefully and stumbled to my phone, clutching my stinging cheek and checked my text messages.

Clay: where r u?
Clay: cmon crys. Where r u?
Clay: I'm going to track your phone.
Clay: rivers edge? Be careful. I'm on my way.
Clay: where r u in rivers edge?
Clay: I found your car. Open the door.

Just as I read the last one there was a knock on my door and I ran to find my shirt and yanked it on before going and answering the door. Once it was open an angry Clayton came in and I shut the door before he grabbed me and wrapped me tightly in his arms.

"God, Crystal. Why did you leave?" He asked I to my hair and I wrapped my arms around his waist and started to cry.

"Because I love Ethan, clay. And he told me he couldn't deal with my past." I said and sighed into his shoulder.

"Why didn't you talk to me about it before leaving?" He asked when I pulled away and we sat down on the couch.

"I couldn't handle it. All I knew was that I had to get out of town." I said and glanced down at the carpet. My chest ached and I wanted to curl up and do nothing at all. "How's he doing?"

"He's broken. Last I saw he was sitting in your office, holding your ring and just crying." Clay said as he leaned forward and dropped his head into his hands.

"I almost died today clay." I whispered and his head snapped up.

"Who?" He demanded and stood up.

"Derek. He found me at a rest stop just north of here. He pulled out a switch blade and a guy saved me and brought me here. The woman who owns the cafe offered me the apartment if I helped in the cafe." I said and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Derek found you?" He whispered and I heard the anger and fear laced in his voice.

"He did. He blames me for drakes death. What the hell am I going to do, clay? He's going to know where I live! He will be back soon!" I said and began to panic.

"You have to come back with me." He said and paced back and forth.

"I can't. I just can't." I said and stayed firm on the couch. "I can't go back to Ethan. He betrayed my trust and left me."

"Then come back for me. And Katie." He said and I felt my heart break more.

"I'm sorry, clay. But I can't." I said and stared at the carpet.

"I'm sorry then, Crystal." Clay said before he left, slamming the door shut and I was left alone once again. I sobbed and wrapped my arms around my knees and just let my walls fall.

This was the beginning of a new life for me. But I was completely alone. My heart may belong to Ethan, but as long as Derek is after me, I can never go back.

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