The Kind Tall Man

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-Victim One-

Tap tap tap tap

Laurel sat up in bed, she knew without even looking at the window that the Kind Tall Man had come for her again. Laurel threw off her duvet and swung her feet over the side of the bed. She turned her head towards the window where she saw the round circular eyes and the kind genuine smile. He had stretched his pointer finger until it was unnaturally long and pointed. The Kind Tall Man was different from other people. He could stretch and mold his body into any shape he wanted, his favorite shape was a thin Scarily tall man with a head but no face. He knew that form scared Laurel so he usually changed his features into something more natural.

Giggling Laurel turned away and tip toed towards her friends sleeping form on the floor.


Laurel whispered while shaking her friends shoulder.


Laurel said a little louder frustrated that Sammie had not awakened yet.


Sammie said sitting and leaning on her elbow. She blinked her eyes groggily and yawned.

“What is it Laurel?”

Sammie's annoyed voice fell on deaf ears, nothing could dampen Laurel's spirits.

“Get up Sammie, get up! I told you he'd come I told you!”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Him! The Kind Tall Man! Remember, when I told you about him?”

Sammie didn’t know what to say or feel, whether to be happy, angry or confused. Luckily Laurel just continued with her happy babbling.

“He came back for me, he wants to take us away. You need to get your shoes on we need to go!”

Laurel stood up and hurried to her closet where she slowly opened the door and put her shoes on. A confused Sammie was left there wondering what she was going on about. Sammie remembered hearing about The Kind Tall Man but thought it was just an imaginary friend not a real thing.

Tap tap

Sammie turned her head and looked at the creature on the other side of the window. It tilted it's head as if to ask 'Come here' Sammie scurried across the floor to the farthest corner away from it. When it saw her fear it smiled a cold unfeeling smile. Sammie could not believe what she was seeing, it was so unlike anything she had ever seen. Its skin could not be called pale because there was absolutely no flesh color at all, its face and hands were literally white. Its skin had an odd texture almost like cloth, its head was a perfect oval with no hair at all. The scariest part was its face, where its eyes should be there was instead two black perfect circles. And where its mouth would have been there was one thin line curving into a makeshift smile, it had no lips, no nose, no emotion. Sammie felt a hand reach out and clench her upper arm, with wide eyes she looked at laurel who was offering a jacket and a pair of shoes.

“We need to hurry he won't wait forever.”

“I don't want to go.”

“Why it'll be fun, he can take us to the park. We can play on the swing set or the see-saw.”

“I don't want to go, I-I feel sick please let me stay here.”

Sammie didn't want it to know she was so scared of him

“Oh well then you stay here I will be back later.”

“Wait stay with me please!”

Sammie said with urgency as she reached out to grab Laurel's upper arm.

“I can't.”

Laurel said in a quiet voice, she shook off Sammie’s arm and headed towards the window.

“I will be back later tonight.”

She said without looking back, Sammie watched her retreating back worried for her friends safety. Laurel walked towards the window and slowly opened it, The Kind Tall Man stepped a few steps back and watched as Laurel threw her legs over the edge and sat on the window ledge. The Kind Tall Man Wrapped his hands around Laurel and lifted her up. Sammie stared confused as The Kind Tall Man's head disappeared almost like he was getting shorter. When he was totally gone Sammie hurried to the window and looked out, Laurel was no where to be seen and neither was The Kind Tall Man. Sammie fell to her hands confused and scared. Then she let out one loud shrill scream.

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