2019 (5)

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I woke up two days later in a room strangely reminiscent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. infirmary back in New York. The fluorescent lighting fixture did my impending migraine no favors, and the sterile smell of a hospital had me wanting to gag.

Once I'd got over the horrible brightness of the room, it came to my attention that I wasn't alone. A familiar blonde figure was sitting slumped in a plastic chair, fast asleep.

I didn't want to wake her, but I did my usual stupid thing and tried to shift slightly, and something in my torso pulled so painfully that I let out a quiet gasp, and that was enough to prove that she wasn't as deeply asleep as it looked.

Annabeth bolted upright, curls disheveled. "Percy?" she asked anxiously.

I tilted my head towards her slowly so not to do anything too dumb, and gave her what was probably a very doped-up smile. "Hey," I rasped, throat uncomfortably dry.

She huffed. "Hey? You go all damsel in distress-style faint on me and all you can say is hey?"

Oh, sorry, then, for almost dying. "Sorry."

Well, that was clearly the wrong thing to say, because it looked like she was about to cry. "Just don't you go dying on me again, okay?"

I huffed a dry laugh. "You know I can't promise that." I coughed. "Anyway, where am I?"

Annabeth grinned as she realized that I had actually woken up properly. "Camp Jupiter; they have a weirdly nice infirmary. But they actually have doctors and medical professionals, so that could explain it."

"Do they have morphine? Because if they do, then they're withholding it and that's mean."

"Oh, so you're a drug addict now?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow mockingly.

"That's not what I said. What I mean is that it would make lying here a lot easier."

Jason walked in at that moment. "Did you just say morphine? Because I feel like that could genuinely kill you at this point."

I made a 'pfft' noise. "It wouldn't kill me; it would just maybe ramp up my heart rate a little."

He scoffed. "There is not enough blood in you to take any morphine at the moment. I don't think you even have any veins left to make an injection into."

I furrowed my brow. "You're telling me that they stole my blood in there? That's just plain rude of them. I like having blood, thanks."

Jason pulled one of the plastic chairs over to my bedside. "Anyway, I'm not here to warn you off Class A drugs. Coulson wanted me to thank you for the tip off; they managed to have enough agents in there to neutralize the drones to prevent any civilian deaths, although I'm told that Iron Man himself was almost one of those casualties. I hear Nat was doing his character profile, and that he's a complete idiot."

"They sent Nat to profile a known womanizer? It's a miracle she didn't kill him herself."

Jason chuckled. "Yes, I suppose so. But you saved the lives of over a thousand people in that expo, Percy. That's pretty impressive for a dead guy. Coulson said that you could come back if you wanted, that he would take the case to Fury himself if necessary." Jason pushed himself to his feet. "Just think about it, okay."

I smiled absentmindedly at him as he headed out, leaving me and Annabeth together again.

"Will you?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"What? Oh, no, I don't think so." My brain caught up after a brief lag. "Coulson could lose his job over it. Hell, he could lose his life. Also, I don't think he knows about the whole demigod thing, and I don't want to put him in an even stickier situation because of it."

Percy Jackson Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. AgentWhere stories live. Discover now