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Today was going to be an important day for our family. Edward was bringing Bella over to meet us, and then later I was going to bring Riley. He had already met Edward, so he wasn't too nervous.

The house was busy with making lunch for Bella; it was Esme's idea to make an Italiano salad for her. I was helping her cut up vegetables for the salad while Carlisle was cooking the chicken. "Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asked annoyed. "Her name's Bella," Emmett said as a matter of fact. "I'm sure she'll love it," Carlisle assured her. "Ooh... get a whiff of that," Rosalie said sarcastically. "Here comes the human," my sister looked like she was done with everyone.

Edward brought Bella into the kitchen where we had finished making the food. The overwhelmingly sweet smell that most of us had experienced already was in the air, and I was grateful that Alice had taken Jasper hunting prior so he wouldn't accidentally hurt Bella. "Bella, we've made Italiano for you," Esme told her as she skipped forward excitedly. "Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes," Edward introduced. "Buongiorno," Bella attempted. "Molto bene," replied Esme, impressed. "This is my sister, Lilly," Edward introduced me. "Nice to meet you Bella," I walked forward to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you too," she shook my hand. "I'm sorry about what Jessica said, that wasn't okay," she quickly apologized. I smiled, "All is forgiven."

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time," Carlisle told Bella. "I hope you're hungry," said Esme. "Yeah, absolutely," Bella nodded. "She already ate," Edward said annoyed.

Rosalie gave her a cold glare and smashed the salad bowl in her hands and vegetables and chicken flew all over the floor. She stomped around the mess she made, "Perfect!" "Sorry, it's just I know you guys don't eat," Bella said nervously. "Of course, that's very considerate of you," Esme commended her. "Just ignore Rosalie, I do," Edward told Bella. "Yeah! Let's just keep pretending that this isn't dangerous for all of us, it's bad enough Lilly is with a human." Rosalie snapped.

"I would never tell anybody anything," Bella vowed. "And neither would Riley," I snapped at my sister. "She knows that," Carlisle said. "Yeah, well the problem is... you two have gone public now," Emmett said. "Emmet!" Esme scolded. "No, she should know! The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly," my sister shot. "Badly as in...I would become the meal" Bella awkwardly said.

Carlisle, Edward, Emmett and I were trying not to laugh. What she said was pretty funny.

Alice stepped through the window off of a tree limb and Jasper followed behind her. "Hi Bella," my sister greeted. "I'm Alice," she skipped forward to hug her. "Hi," Bella awkwardly hugged her back. "Oh, you do smell good," she observed. "Alice, what are you-? Edward asked annoyed. I could sense from his thoughts that he was getting embarrassed. "It's okay. Bella and I are going to be great friends," she answered proudly.

Jaspers' eyes widened with thirst, and his eyes were at the stage where they were between red and gold. He was still learning not to drink human blood. "Sorry, Jasper is our newest vegetarian, it's a little difficult for him," Carlisle said apologetically. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Jasper said rigidly.

"Alright, I'm going to take you on a tour of the rest of the house," Edward told Bella escorting her upstairs. "I'll see you soon," Alice waved. "Okay," Bella said. The two of them went upstairs.

"So cute!" Esme gushed. "I think that went well," Carlisle put his arm around Esme. "Clean this up. Now," she told Rosalie. With a scowl, Rosalie listened to her, and she stomped away.

"So, Lilly. When will we get to meet your human?" Emmett asked wiggling his eyebrows. "My boyfriend should be here any minute," I corrected him. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and I flitted forward to get it, and to my delight I saw Riley. "Hey babe," I greeted him by kissing him. "Hey beautiful," he kissed me back. I was both excited and nervous for him to meet the rest of my family.

"Welcome to my home," I presented the house to him as I invited him inside. "It's very nice, and luxurious," he complimented. "Thank you," I kissed him on the cheek. "And don't worry, we don't have coffins or dungeons," I joked. "That's a relief," he teased putting his arms around me. I held his hand and led him into the kitchen where the rest of my family was.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Riley Biers," I introduced him to them. "Hi everyone," Riley said shyly. "It's nice to meet you, Riley," Carlisle shook his hand. "Lilly has told us so much about you," he added. "I hope good things, " he teased kissing me on top of my head. "All good things," I flirtatiously assured him. "Welcome, Riley," Esme shook his hand. "Thank you for allowing me to be here," Riley thanked her politely. I smiled proudly at him. "So, Lilly tells us you're a senior," Carlisle said. "Yes, I graduate in June," Riley replied, still keeping his arm around me. "And I'm planning on studying criminology at Washington State," he added. "Sounds very impressive," Esme complimented. Rosalie came back into the room after her little tantrum and I immediately became on edge, and Riley stroked my shoulder to calm me down.
"You must be Riley," she said observantly.  "Yes, and you must be Rosalie, nice to meet you," Riley attempted to shake her hand and she just stared at it, and hesitantly shook it. "It's nice to meet you too, I am hoping you're treating my sister with the upmost respect," she sounded like she was interrogating a criminal, and her gold eyes narrowed in seriousness. I was afraid that she was going to do something to scare him away. 

  "Lilly means the world to me and I love her so much. I would never ever hurt her," he looked at me warmly. "She's my everything," Riley kissed me. My family smiled proudly and I was grateful they approved of him and us being together. 

   Even though Edward and I were both in love with humans, our family stood behind us one hundred percent. 

  Just when things were going well, things were about to get worse when we would cross paths with three mysterious Nomad vampires who would later go after Bella for her blood. 

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