Chapter Eight

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"You need to focus Jordan," I shake my head in frustration. 

"I am trying!" 

"We've been at this for an hour, how about we take a break?" 

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. You're probably just as thirsty as I am." I speed run into the house and come back out with two waters. We sit down on the front porch. I take a couple of sips before turning to Jordan. 

"I'm sorry I'm being so tough on you."

"You're not as tough as dad is." He takes a sip of his water. I put down my water. I lose my train of thought and just stare at him. I barely get to spend one on one time with Jordan. He puts down his water bottle and stares at me. His eyes go from my lips to my eyes. He leans closer to me. "You look really pretty today." I cross my arms. 

"Thanks," I chuckle. His hand goes on my face. I close my eyes and our lips meet. I'm not sure if I really want to do this, doesn't he like Sarah anyways? "Jordan we shouldn't have done-" I can hear the door behind us open. I look up to see John. "John-" 

"Sorry, didn't mean to see this." He walks away. 

"John wait!" I get off of the front porch and run into the house. He turns around and crosses his arms. 

"What? You've clearly picked the guy you want." 

"What?" John likes me too?

"Yeah I really like you Vivian. I've liked you since I first saw you, but I guess you don't feel the same way." 

"No, I do John. I wasn't even thinking when I kissed Jordan." He turns away from me. I bring his face towards me. I make him make eye contact with me. "I wasn't sure who I wanted, but once Jordan kissed me. I realized he isn't the one who I want."

"Wait really?"

"Yes. I want to be with you." John brings me into his arms. 

"That's all I ever wanted to hear." 

A Couple Weeks Later

John, Jordan, and I all talked. I told Jordan I didn't want to be with him and he was quite understanding. He asked Sarah out a week later. Clark and Lois are very supportive of my relationship with John. Clark and I were finally able to catch the Joker and now he's back in jail where he belongs. In the end, I finally got everything I wanted. 

A/N: Sorry this ending sucks but I kind of gave up on this story and lost the passion to write for this. So I wrote a sloppy three chapters. I usually don't do this with my writing but for some reason I've even lost interest in the Superman and Lois show so I don't plan on writing anything else on this. Maybe I'll come back to this story and fix it but I highly doubt it. If you enjoyed this story though, thank you for reading and hopefully my next story won't suck as bad as this one. Have a great day!

-Zee Sterling

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